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TUI commands for running a Transient simulation in ANSYS FLUENT

Posted February 18, 2013 at 11:22 by diamondx

The TUI command “ solve/iterate 100” just iterates 100 more iterations. This is used for running steady simulations.

Use the following commands for running a transient simulation:

solve/set/time-step 1e-2 ( for setting the time step size)

solve/dual-time-iterate 100 40 ( 100 is the number of time steps and 40 is the iterations per time steps)
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Hexa dominant meshing

Posted February 11, 2013 at 20:36 by diamondx

Originally Posted by PSYMN View Post
Hex Dominant doesn't really play well with the other methods. You will also have a hard time when you try to merge it with the Hexa method, so you will need to do things in the right order...

Hex Dominant is also really more of an FEA method. It starts from the quad surface mesh and grows into the middle. If you don't have a quad surface mesh, it surface meshes everything first and then starts. It doesn't do the material point flood fill that the octree tetra mesher does. It
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Turbine blade with filleting and tip clearance

Posted February 10, 2013 at 22:06 by diamondx

The periodicity (set under Mesh (tab) => Global Parameters) is to ensure that your mesh on one side matches the mesh on the other side... Once you see the DEZ (data entry zone), you will understand what you need to fill in. Periodicity is set on the geometry so that the generated mesh comes out periodic, so if you go back to set it, you must regenerate.

Even if you are copying your mesh around to create an annulus instead of a periodic section, it will be easier if you have...
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Options... by simon

Posted February 10, 2013 at 22:01 by diamondx

The ICEM CFD Prism algorithm can not move hexa's out of the way as it inflates the prisms. Therefore, you need to make sure that you don't convert tetra to hexa before prism inflation.

With ICEM CFD, there are always other ways...

1) You could try a Hexa (blocking tab) mesh. This would be really easy if you really wanted to do a sphere in a box... What is your real application? Aircraft shapes, wings, etc. are also pretty easy to do with Hexa blocking. It gives...
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TUI commands for animating air/water interface

Posted January 26, 2013 at 16:00 by diamondx

Good to know from zippyhybrid

Originally Posted by zippyhybrid View Post
I'm not sure of a way to do that without having data files saved at previous time steps. I haven't used Fluent's tools to create animation, I've always saved contour plots as .png or .jpg images then used 3rd party tools to create animations. I create similar animations however since I am investigating air-lift driven flow and am interested in the behavior of bubbles in the airlift column. I'd suggest visualizing the interface using contours of phase
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