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Debugger Insight from red hat linux

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Debugger Insight from red hat linux

Posted April 21, 2009 at 19:11 by vivekcfd

As a code developer, one must need a powerful debugger to really go into a huge code. I have this experience from my old university days where we used to have a debugger from sun microsystems (I dont remember the name) and later gnu debugger ddd+gdb. At that time I was not that happy with ddd as it was not that powerful as the sun debugger.

Now I started working on OpenFoam where one needs to understand a part of the code if one wants to implement new models. And there you go, here the role of debugger comes in picture. I looked on the net for further info and later I came to know from someone that there is something called insight from red hat linux. It is again an opensource code and needs to be built and installed on my OPENSUSE 11.0.

Once you have an opensource code, you need to compile it on your system before you can install and use th program. However, problems may sometimes arise during the build of these programes due to some missing or incompatible libraries and similar issues.

I downloaded the code (version 6.8) from configured it with the following command in source dir:
./configure GCC=gcc --prefix=/opt/insight-6.8
and then complied with
I got the following error (disappointed):
configure: error: no termcap library found
171 make[1]: *** [configure-gdb] Error 1.

Finally after a few minutes search on the net, I realized that one need full ncurses package with all libraries to make the compilation work.

Now INSIGHT has been installed ( simply with make install) on my system to have insight into the source code of OpenFoam. It works well. GUI looks good. I just have to explore it more in the near future.
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