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sim July 23, 2002 09:56

Hi All,

I am facing a problem in running tutorial 7.1. When I sent a file to star solver, the solver hang with message - executing promove.bat. I just couldn't figure out what is the error source. FYI, I am running Star CD-v3.15A on Windows NT platform.


Jerry Huang July 23, 2002 20:09

This might be your problem - do you have a single license of prostar and star solver? Here's what happened to me. I had prostar open and then went to the starlauncher to solve the problem. But promove.bat will invoke prostar to process the mesh movements. So if you have only license prostar, it will hang.

Get out of interactive prostar then solve the problem.

sim July 24, 2002 03:05

Hi Jerry,

Thanks for your respond. You are right. there is only a single license of prostar and star in my company. But I have quit Prostar before running Star solve. The program hung just after completing GEOMETRICAL CALCULATIONS. Any clues?


Jerry Huang July 24, 2002 07:02

Did you run pmovrun.bat (NT equivalent of pmovlink)? Tutorial 7.1 is a moving mesh problem and requires that you run pmov before star.

Also, check the jobname.echo and files for potential errors during run-time. If you ran pmov, then look at pmov.error for any problems.

Jerry Huang July 24, 2002 23:07

This is my LAST post on this subject. Does the moving mesh capability work in NT? Yes. Does it work as advertised by Adapco? Not really. Have I successfully run Tutorial 7.1 in NT? Yes.

What kind of problems can you expect?

1. Mesh generation: none. 2. Transient definition: none. 3. Events and grid movement: none. 4. Processing events (pmov): maybe - the UNIX copy commands didn't work, so I had to manually copy to 5. Run star executable: possibly - any number of things steps can cause star to fail to run (i.e., failing to create the jobname.evnt, not copying the If you don't resize the memory and set maxeve to 100, then you'll get errors when reading in the input file and defining the events. Also, if you don't have enough licenses and leave the Prostar GUI up, it will also hang.

I have talked to Adapco, and I was told that solving via the StarLauncher in NT doesn't always work; instead, open a command prompt and run pmov and star manually.

Moving mesh is not a simple class of problem to solve (UNIX, Linux or NT). If you're learning Star-CD and also trying to pick-up moving mesh at the same time, you're taking on a big task. Learn the basics first.

sim July 25, 2002 02:38


Thanks for your precious advices. I will try out the steps that you mentioned above and let you know what is the outcome.

Thanks again

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