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Great Project, one criticism

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Old   December 7, 2005, 08:32
Default Re: Great Project, one criticism
Jonas Larsson
Posts: n/a
I've also thought about your idea about having a review committee that would go through certain sections regularly and review the content, check new contributions and perhaps fill in the gaps and restructure things as the need arises.

Actually I have already tried a bit to establish a Wiki review board of well-established CFD researchers. I have emailed many friends and colleagues who are well-known in the CFD world and tried to get them to sign up for a CFD-Wiki review board. So far the response has been positive but passive. Everyone likes the idea about having a CFD-Wiki and everyone wants it to grow, but only a few have so far offered to make significant contribution in terms of volunteer time etc. The problem is that well-established researchers most often already have a full schedule and before we have shown that the CFD-Wiki will actually be a valuable resource also for them and their students I don't think that we will get many of these CFD gurus to contribute much I'm afraid. As the Wiki grows this might change though.

If you know your web-history you might remember that about the same time as Wikipedia was started there was also another similar project started with the same goal of creating the ultimate encyclopedia. I've forgot the name of the project now, but it failed miserably and was taken off-line some time ago. The concept they used was that they nominated well-known and established authors as responsible for certain sections and in that way they hoped to ensure that the content would be of a high quality. They did not allow anyone to contribute things. Wikipedia on the other hand did, and encouraged everyone to edit everything. The rest is history as they say... I think that the community spirit that the "everyone edits everything" concept creates it the key here.

To start with I think that a CFD-Wiki committe should be made up of the most active CFD-Wiki contributors. We are the ones who really know what is in the Wiki and we are also the ones who at this stage feel most responsible for improving it.
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Old   December 7, 2005, 16:21
Default Re: Great Project, one criticism
Posts: n/a
That's what i had in mind. The initial committee(s) can be formed using current editors. I beleive that all of the editors have enough expertise in their areas.

I also have a suggestion. Each editor, after finishing up an article, would send the link of that article to his/her previous advisor/teacher (of course in that specific area) and tell the advisor "I've been editing some articles in the CFD-Wiki and I would like you to take a look at them." I beleive that most advisors will be more than happy to do that, as they can't resist performing a request for their former students

I think this would be an indirect way of getting some of the CFD "authorities" involved.

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