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CFX Expression Language help

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Old   April 20, 2013, 09:43
Question CFX Expression Language help
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There is a well known condensation heat transfer coefficient formulated by Nusselt (you might be familiar with it):

\alpha = 0.5 \frac{\lambda_{L}}{D} \left[ \frac{g \rho_{L} \left(\rho_{L} - \rho_{G} \right) h_{FG} D^{3}}{\mu_{L}\lambda_{L}\left(T_{Steam}-T_{Wall}\right)}\right]^{0.25}

The subscripts L and G denote the liquid and gas phases, and the following symbols have their meanings:

\alpha is the heat transfer coefficient.
\lambda is the thermal conductivity.
g is the gravitational constant.
\rho is the density.
h_{FG} is the enthalpy of vaporisation from liquid to gas phases.
D is the characteristic dimension.
\mu is the viscosity.
T_{Steam} is the steam temperature.
T_{Wall} is the wall temperature.

Now inputting this into CFX at a boundary is dead easy in principle. You just enter it in at a boundary as a heat transfer coefficient (as a CEL expression) and select the steam temperature as the outside temperature.

However the problem I am having is the symbols are functions of the steam temperature.

Let's say for one simulation my steam temperature T_{Steam} is 400K. Then my density at the liquid phase is 937 kg/m^3 and at the gas phase is 1.37 kg/m^3.

Now I can enter each value for each property myself (density, viscosity, thermal conductivity etc) for my steam temperature of 400K. However I don't want to do this if I change my steam value from 400K to 500K 600K etc.

In CFX Expression Language, is there a way of telling CFX that I want viscosity, density etc as a function of some temperature that I specify?

I've read the CFX Reference Guide on CEL (CFX Expression Language) and it isn't very clear how this can be achieved.

Thank you for your help!
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Old   April 20, 2013, 10:45
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oj.bulmer will become famous soon enough
Unless am missing something, it's pretty easy.

1) Create expression for temperature, say FluidTemp.
2) Create expressions for density and a viscosity as a function of temperature, say FluidDensity=f(FluidTemp)
3) In the definition of your materials, use "expressions" to specify density and viscosity instead of the actual value with units.
4) Create Workbench parameter for FluidTemp

Once you change the value from say 400K to 800K, the density and viscosity values, since they are parameterised, should change according to your function.

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Old   April 20, 2013, 13:07
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OJ, I am using IAPWS water so the thermophysical properties are a function of temperature and pressure.

What I am referring to in my original post is making the thermophysical properties in the heat transfer coefficient a function of some known temperature.
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Old   April 21, 2013, 08:46
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
You will have to define a function for this. It could be a CEL expression or 1D interpolation function or user fortran.

For the CEL expression you could put the IAPWS equations (simplified a bit as they are the full equations aer iterative if I remember correctly) or a simplified approximation.

For a 1D interpolation function you could just map out the property against temperature and use that as a 1D interpolation function.

For a user fortran routine you could use the full IAPWS equations in their full iterative glory, but of course you will have to code it.
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