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Integer stack memory insufficient

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Old   May 15, 2014, 06:38
Default Integer stack memory insufficient
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 125
Rep Power: 17
mactech001 is on a distinguished road
Dear all,

i encountered a error message claiming my integer stack memory is insufficient.

What i don't understand is: i was running the simulation with 30000000+ elements without this error message, but after reducing the mesh to about 20000000+, and this error occurs.

Does it indicate there's something wrong with my model please?
Below is part of the monitor log where the error message is prompted:
Slave: 4
Slave: 4
Slave: 4 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
Slave: 4 | |
Slave: 4 | ACTION REQUIRED : Increase the integer stack memory size. |
Slave: 4 | |
Slave: 4 | Details : |
Slave: 4 | Requested space : 1258818 words |
Slave: 4 | Current allocated space : 67888655 words |
Slave: 4 | Current used space : 67734314 words |
Slave: 4 | Current free space : 154341 words |
Slave: 4 | Number of free areas : 2 |
Slave: 4 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
Slave: 4 Fatal error generated in gKSelEl
Slave: 4 Message :- FULL : Failed to make a data area for KSelEl
Slave: 4 gKSelEl called by :- gKVxEl_ZN
Slave: 5
Slave: 6
Slave: 6 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
Slave: 6 | |
Slave: 6 | ACTION REQUIRED : Increase the integer stack memory size. |
Slave: 6 | |
Slave: 6 | Details : |
Slave: 6 | Requested space : 13082585 words |
Slave: 6 | Current allocated space : 69414234 words |
Slave: 6 | Current used space : 58881147 words |
Slave: 6 | Current free space : 10533087 words |
Slave: 6 | Number of free areas : 2 |
Slave: 6 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
Slave: 6
Slave: 6
Slave: 6 Details of error:-
Slave: 6 ----------------
Slave: 6 Error detected by routine MAKDAT
Slave: 6 CDANAM = LCON CDTYPE = INTR ISIZE = 13082585
Slave: 6 CRESLT = FULL
Slave: 6
Slave: 6 Current Directory : /FLOW/SOLVER/GLOBAL/MGRID/MGRID_TG2/ZIF20/CS
Slave: 5
Slave: 5 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
Slave: 5 | |
Slave: 5 | ACTION REQUIRED : Increase the integer stack memory size. |
Slave: 5 | |
Slave: 5 | Details : |
Slave: 5 | Requested space : 260760 words |
Slave: 5 | Current allocated space : 73552708 words |
Slave: 5 | Current used space : 73487421 words |
Slave: 5 | Current free space : 65287 words |
Slave: 5 | Number of free areas : 2 |
Slave: 5 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
Slave: 5 Fatal error generated in gKElSel
Slave: 5 Message :- FULL : Failed to make a data area for KElSel
Slave: 5 gKElSel called by :- gKSelEl

Parallel run: Received message from slave
Slave partition : 4
Slave routine : ErrAction
Master location : RCVBUF,MSGTAG=1032
Message label : 001100279
Message follows below - :

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Stopped in routine gKSelEl |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 123. No results |
| file has been created. |

End of solution stage.

| The following user files have been saved in the directory |
| D:\LiJinhui\ABM00004 EMA\JJETH ABM00004 EMA |
| Con20kw2700rpmDEXRON6Tin80C8LpmTcir25CTini25C 580wgrids turbulance |
| model SST_001: |
| |
| mon |

| Warning! |
| |
| After waiting for 60 seconds, 1 solver manager process(es) appear |
| not to have noticed that this run has ended. You may get errors |
| removing some files if they are still open in the solver manager. |

This run of the ANSYS CFX Solver has finished.

Please help. Thanks.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Kind regards,
Currently using: ANSYS v13
mactech001 is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   May 15, 2014, 07:22
Super Moderator
Glenn Horrocks
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 17,869
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
You just need to make the integer stack bigger. Have a look in the documentation for how to do this.
ghorrocks is offline   Reply With Quote


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