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lauda July 2, 2014 06:53

PBS script file for CFX simulation
Hi all,

I'm trying to run CFX on my cluster at Uni. I have a basic script file provided by our IT staff. This basic script file is:


#PBS -d /home/...
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00
#PBS -q fast
#PBS -M "email"

module add cfx

export nodes=`awk -vORS=, '{ print $1 }' $PBS_NODEFILE | sed 's/,$/\n/'`

cfx5solve -def "filename".def -start-method "Platform MPI Local Parallel" -par-dist $nodes

this works fine and I learnt how start from an existing solution (.res file). However, I'm struggling to find how to input other set-up data such as number of iterations by means for instance a Journal file. On the web I found several examples of journal files for Fluent but not for CFX so I guess I am missing something. Thanks for any help

ghorrocks July 2, 2014 08:12

CFX does not have a journal file. CFX-Pre and CFD-Post have something similar called a session file but I do not think this is what you are looking for. If you want to control the solver by means of a text file then it is best to use the command line option you describe and use a CCL file to update the solver parameters with the cfx5cmds command.

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