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hossein_sml January 3, 2016 01:55

Sloshing - Free surface

I am trying to simulate sloshing in rotating cube (±30 degrees) (2D).
The cube is rotating around center of lower side.

mesh :structured
Homogeneous Model
Turbulence : None (Laminar)

Unfortunately when cube rotates, the free surface gets irrational slope, and seems that water does not transfer properly between parts ( left and right of wall) \
What is the problem?
How can I fix it?

I have tried other turbulence models, but it was not the solution and nothing changed. Even I turned on surface tension, but nothing changed.

Please help me ASAP.

ghorrocks January 4, 2016 05:10

Please attach your CEL.

Are you modelling the rotation using rotating frames of reference or moving mesh?

hossein_sml January 4, 2016 06:25

the mesh is moving ( Boundary and mesh is moving )

hossein_sml January 4, 2016 06:26

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ghorrocks January 4, 2016 06:37

This could be caused by:

* Inadequate convergence
* A mesh error where the left and right side of the meshes are not connected
* The left to right flow is slow, so you have to run it for more simulation time for the flow to reach the equilibrium level.

hossein_sml January 4, 2016 07:03

- All meshes and boundary are moving with same rotational speed.
- Max. Coeff. Loops : 10
Residual Target :1e-05

- What do you mean from "The left to right flow is slow, so you have to run it for more simulation time for the flow to reach the equilibrium level"
in one simulation, the simulation continued for 4-5 s, but results got worst.

ghorrocks January 4, 2016 17:33

You need to do a sensitivity analysis to see if your convergence is tight enough. Run a tighter or looser residual and see if it makes any difference.

You will need to show more details of what you are doing if you want us to help you more. Please attach an image of your mesh and CCL.

hossein_sml January 5, 2016 02:52

I tried various residuals but nothing changed.

I have used structural mesh as below, Also I tried with unstructured (Hexa) mesh, but it did not work too.

about ccl which part do you need to know?

ghorrocks January 5, 2016 18:45

All of the CCL. It is a small text file so should be easy to attach to the forum post.

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