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Hossein_k May 3, 2016 04:29

Setting regions in Boundary Conition ICEM
I am using ICEM to create a mesh of a simple injector in a cylinder assembly to be used in kiva-3v to analyse its injection.
I used blocking to cut the geometry into suitable blocks and i meshed using the "Convert to Multi-Block mesh" option.
The mesh looks as desired. when I set the "Boundary Conditions" for my solver, the Kiva-3V, I need to define two regions,
namely region 1 and region 2, for two of the parts. But when I do so, the output to solver file, the third number
of the first line of the 'kiva3.itape17' file reads "1" which is telling us that there is only "1" defined region within this mesh.
This is my confusion, because I've assigned two different parts to two different regions in the boundary condition setup
and cant figure out whats going wrong. My supervisor has told me there has to bee something wrong with the meshing
or the blocking. But I cant find anything wrong in them, specially when the meshes look exactly like what i want.
Could you please help me on how I can fix this problem,

Thank you for your time,

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