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Manol July 1, 2016 12:26

CFX SOLVER parallel error
Hi all... this is my firts post when i find any solution.

My problem is cfx solver...
When start mi .def file in solver, i select intel mpi distributes parallel;
Select and add host from list, and play run.

In cmd windows appaire :

Abort: unable to connect to host 1

The ANSYS CFX solver has terminated without writing a results
file. Command on host calcoloth04 exited with return code 0

I can not understand the problem..

i hope you can help me...


ghorrocks July 2, 2016 06:52

Does the simulation run when you do it serial? Does the tutorial examples run? Can you run a tutorial example in distributed parallel mode?

Manol July 2, 2016 07:15


Originally Posted by ghorrocks (Post 607707)
Does the simulation run when you do it serial? Does the tutorial examples run? Can you run a tutorial example in distributed parallel mode?

In serial and intel MPI local parallel mode no error.
But i selected Intel MPI distributed parallel , error remote host not found.
Show me error "command to host exited return with error 0"

ghorrocks July 2, 2016 08:06

Can you run a tutorial example in distributed parallel mode?

Have you followed the instructions to set up distributed parallel? It is not setup in the default installation, you need to do extra things to get it working.

Manol July 2, 2016 09:24


Originally Posted by ghorrocks (Post 607717)
Can you run a tutorial example in distributed parallel mode?

Have you followed the instructions to set up distributed parallel? It is not setup in the default installation, you need to do extra things to get it working.

i followed the instruction for distrubuted parallel... but when i add new host and start run... return error code 0

ghorrocks July 3, 2016 06:03

Do you get this for all simulations when you run distributed parallel?

If so you have a problem in your setup (obviously). The parallel setup instructions are accurate and detailed so make sure you are following them. You might need to re-do the parallel setup to fix up the thing you missed.

Manol July 4, 2016 13:38

in sequence i installed:

ansys 15.0
platform MPI. (Ibm and Intel)
open 8636 on windows firewall and add Exception
following the instructions.

When i started the simulation, i select Intel Mpi distributed parallel.
insert host and start run.

But th problem persist.

ghorrocks July 4, 2016 19:36

Does it work with platform MPI?

Manol July 5, 2016 02:53


Originally Posted by ghorrocks (Post 607965)
Does it work with platform MPI?

Everything works locally.
Intel MPI & IBM MPI not works in distributed.

Manol July 5, 2016 09:45

i resolve in part...
I have 5 host.

host 1, host 2, host 3, host 4 and host 5

When i try to
cfx5parallel -register-impi-user

and add host2, all ok... running start without error.

if try to add host3 with same command (

cfx5parallel -register-impi-user)

The simulation show me error:" Unable to connect host 2"

My question is: Cf5parallel can add only one host?
If i have more host to add?

what can i do?


Manol July 5, 2016 11:43


I reinstall Ibm MPI & Intel MPI.

reset caching password...


My configuration:

Windows server 2012 r2 with 4 Workstation xeon in lan.

the problem now is that I do not know what I did to make it work

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