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mao September 14, 2016 12:14

can not continue running simulation with trn file
hello,i am now running one simulation in cluster, i stooped in the middle and have a file.trn(finished 2000steps), i wanna start with this file to finish another 1500steps, however, the new simulation starts from beggining(0step) instead of the file.trn(2000steps), hope someone can give some suggestions, thank you very much.

Opaque September 14, 2016 16:26

Can you describe how you are restarting the simulation ? Either from the command line (cfx5solve), or the steps you are following in the ANSYS CFX Solver Manager

mao September 15, 2016 04:32

hi,opaque, thanks for your kind reply.following are some details about my simulation.
1,i have an unsteady simulation,totaltime=8s,
2.first stage. i have to stop at t=2s due to some reasons, then we have some trn files(let us call the last trn file as 2.trn).
3.second stage, i should regard 2.trn as initial file in the second simulation, and then keep going the next 6 seconds. the first simulation,totaltime=2s, whereas it equals 8s in the second simulation,
5,in normal computer or severs, i can choose "continue history from" in solver define run. but now i have to use cluster where i give a command file whiched showed in 6, either i start from bak file or trn file, the second simulation starts from 0 second rather than 2 second.
#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -N XiuliSimulation
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=16:NRM
#PBS -l walltime=999:00:00

export SIMNAME

#mkdir /usr/data/$SIMNAME/
#cp -R * /usr/data/$SIMNAME/
#cd /usr/data/$SIMNAME/

nodes=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
nodes=`echo $nodes | sed -e 's/ /,/g'`

# con initial file
/opt/ansys/v161/CFX/bin/cfx5solve -double -initial-file /home/wissam/xiuli/foldername/filename.trn -def /home/wissam/xiuli/foldername/filename.def -par-dist $nodes -sizepar 1.1 -size 1.1

# senza initial file
# /opt/ansys/v161/CFX/bin/cfx5solve -def /home/wissam/christian/td600_unsteady/td600_unsteady.def -par-dist $nodes -sizepar 1.1 -size 1.1

#mv /usr/data/$SIMNAME/* $PBS_O_WORKDIR
#rm /usr/data/$SIMNAME/* -r

Lance September 15, 2016 04:48

your batch script was not very clear, but make sure you understand the difference between -initial-file and -continue-from-file
the first will make the simulation start from zero with initial values from the specified file, the second will continue the simulation using the initial values file.

Opaque September 15, 2016 10:50

To complement Lance's response, you must also understand the differences between n.trn and n_full.trn files.

n_full.trn files are effectively final results file for a given timestep (n), and you can safely restart from them.

n.trn files are considered minimal transient files, and only contain data to be visualized by a successfully finished run. That is, on their own they do not have enough information to be used.

Hope the above helps,

mao September 23, 2016 10:31

thank you,guys, your information are very useful to me, thanks again sincerely.

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