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seth September 19, 2017 19:07

Creating grid on Contour Plot
I am analysis the wake within a wheel arch at different wind speeds. So I wish to compare lots of very similar images to see how the size and magnitude of the wake changes. To help with this I want to overlay a grid (not the mesh) over my contour plot on CFD-Post. Allowing me to say "this wake is four boxes long".Is this possible?

Thanks in Advance

ghorrocks September 19, 2017 19:41

In engineering we tend to use more recognised units of measure than "boxes". So why not say "the wake is 100mm long". It is easier to calculate lengths in standard engineering units than to overlay a grid to do some arbitrary measurements anyway.

If you draw a contour for your wake region you can use functions like maxVal(y)@Contour to get the maximum y value of the contour. You can use this approach to measure its maximum extent.

seth September 19, 2017 19:54

Hi ghorrocks,

Thank for the reply. Yes I understand that for my final report I will use more quantitative analysis. Though for the initial look though the data I was hoping to use the grid as I guide to find interesting trends in the data to analyse in more detail after.

ghorrocks September 19, 2017 20:03

Yes, you should always just have a general look at the data before doing complex quantitative analysis. If I was doing this I would just generate a standard image template and produce images of your simulations using this. Then just use a standard image viewer to compare the images and work out what the differences between images are which are worth more detailed analysis.

This approach is straight forward and does not require any special development. But if you insist on doing a grid you can do it by drawing contours of the variables x, y and/or z. If you draw contours on a plane then you will just get grid lines.

evcelica September 20, 2017 11:27

1 Attachment(s)
Sounds like you just want some graphical lines? In 2D?
you could just draw some lines and make them black. but an better option would be to make a point cloud on a plane, and use crosshairs for the markers, make them black and increase their size until they touch/overlap each other, then you will have a grid.

Lance September 21, 2017 03:13

another solution:
create a plane where you want to show your boxes.
in the plane properties/'Render' tab, apply texture, type: custom, select an image file (jpeg,png,bmp) containing your boxes or any other texture.

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