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Hamda August 5, 2018 14:41

constants of eddy viscosity transport in CFX
1 Attachment(s)
I want to specify the constants for EVT model but I don't know for example what is C1 in CFX? there are five constants; C1, C2, C3, A+,

but in CFX I couldn't find such constants. I read tutorial and found nothing about that and will really appreciate if somebody helps me on this issue.

Many thanks

ghorrocks August 5, 2018 19:15

Different researchers call the constants slightly different names at times. You are going to have to compare the CFX theory documentation with your reference to work out which constant is which between CFX and your reference.

Hamda August 5, 2018 22:43


Originally Posted by ghorrocks (Post 701602)
Different researchers call the constants slightly different names at times. You are going to have to compare the CFX theory documentation with your reference to work out which constant is which between CFX and your reference.

what about CFX? how it calls them? because in CFX I didn't find any C1, C2,....currently my problem is where are they in CFX? as shown in my pic, I selected EVT model but there is no options to enter C1,..
I checked CFX tutorial and didn't find any thing.


ghorrocks August 6, 2018 06:57

Please read my post carefully. You appear to have misunderstood it.

"Different researchers call the constants slightly different names at times." means that CFX might be using different variable names for the constants.

"You are going to have to compare the CFX theory documentation with your reference to work out which constant is which between CFX and your reference." means look in the theory manual (not the tutorial manual) for how CFX defines the modelled equation. Then you match the variables from the CFX equation to the equation in your reference paper and work out what variable names CFX is using for the equivalent variables.

Hamda August 6, 2018 07:12

Yes I understood your post and I already looked at the theory manual in CFX sites and the equation are exactly like my reference paper's. It seems that in CFX, they are not exposed in the GUI and I have to adjust the CEL to define them into CFX.

ghorrocks August 6, 2018 07:21

In that case look in the RULES and VARIABLES files to see if they are present and how to specify them in CCL:

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