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AtoHM November 19, 2018 06:19

CGNS from bak-File
Hey there,
I'm trying to figure out a way of exporting .bak-file data into a cgns file. Problem is as follows: when .bak-files are written with the "selected variables"-option, the command to export to cgns fails with "file has invalid topology" which I think means, that the mesh is missing and therfore it cant be exported. However, I am able to access the results, when loading the final .res-File in Post and adding the baks as timesteps. Is there any way to tell Post to just export that into a CGNS?

The same thing works just fine for transient results. There I can specify the final .res-File and extract data for each timestep with the "-timestep" flag.

Gert-Jan November 20, 2018 03:47

Why do you write a backup file without mesh? In my opinion, a backup file is to be able to recover from a crash. In that sense a backup file without mesh is quite useless. Or do I overlook a situation where it is useful?

Nevertheless, maybe you can try to interpolate the .bak-file on the original definition file (Not sure if the interpolation works with a bak file without mesh. Maybe the interpolator can use the x,y,z coordinates, or node numbers, if available in your bakfile).

Do the following:
- Open the CFX-launcher
- Open the Command line
- Type: cfx5interp -res file.bak -def file.def
- If it works, you obtain a def file with the backup results as initial guess. Maybe you can export this to cgns?
- Alternatively run it with the solver manager for 1 iteration. Maybe solve only turbulence, (use expert parameter solve fluids=f, solve energy=f to not screw up your existing solution too much)
- Export results file to cgns

Use cfx5interp -h for help
Hope this helps.

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