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w784370882 December 26, 2019 11:31

the same case cannot run on a different computer
Hello, I copy the .def and the .bak file from HPC to my PC, but when I run it without any change(except directories), it shows error like this:

| ****** PROBLEM REPORT ****** |
| Subsystem: Input and Output |
| Subroutine name: ErrAction |
| Severity level: Fatal Error |
| Error message number: 001100279 |
| Message: |
| |
| Unable to process the invalid physical name: AREA |
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+================================================= ===================+

+================================================= ===================+
| ****** PROBLEM REPORT ****** |
| Subsystem: Input and Output |
| Subroutine name: ErrAction |
| Severity level: Fatal Error |
| Error message number: 001100279 |
| Message: |
| |
| Stopped in routine ReadPhysNames |
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+================================================= ===================+

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| Error interpolating results onto the new mesh: C:\Program |
| Files\ANSYS Inc\v180\CFX\bin\winnt-amd64\solver-mpi.exe exited |
| with return code 1. |

can anyone help me? thanks in advance!

w784370882 December 26, 2019 11:32

When the case runs in HPC, every thing is fine

ghorrocks December 26, 2019 17:07

CFX error messages are not very helpful. You cannot say what is wrong from the error message alone, it has to be read in context.

My guess of what is happening here is that there is a problem during interpolation of the initial condition from a previous run. Also, have you got a mesh region called "AREA"? If so I would change this mesh region name to something which does not clash with built-in CFX variable names.

w784370882 December 27, 2019 05:56


Originally Posted by ghorrocks (Post 753268)
CFX error messages are not very helpful. You cannot say what is wrong from the error message alone, it has to be read in context.

My guess of what is happening here is that there is a problem during interpolation of the initial condition from a previous run. Also, have you got a mesh region called "AREA"? If so I would change this mesh region name to something which does not clash with built-in CFX variable names.

Thanks for your timely reply! Today I managed to find out that the res has version 18.2 while my pc has the version 18.0. That's the reason why error occurs. Plus I want to transfer the case from HPC to Super Computer, whose version is also 18.0. Is there any way to convert the res to a lower version? Otherwise, I can only start a new calculation which is time-consuming.

w784370882 December 27, 2019 07:33

This problem has been solved in a way....

The solver can read res file from each other in version 18.2~19.0 as initial file. The higher version can always open a file in a lower version, while it cannot be opened on the contrary.

I can use HPC (version 18.2 ) and Super Computer(version 18.1 and version 19.0) for calculation and my PC (version 18.0) for post-processing.

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