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Julian121 April 18, 2021 03:14

Losses in a channel
I am studying losses in a flow domain with several vanes. I use static entropy contours to find the location of high entropy generation. My results show that there is high entropy generation which is concentrated near to a solid boundary. Is there a way to distinguish between the type of losses such as boundary layers, flow separation, mixing loss, tip leakage, secondary (endwall) loss?

kjetil April 22, 2021 06:15

Wouldn't it be better to locate such regions with an Isosurface, rather than contours [in a plane]?
To the question on determining the type of loss, I don't think you will get much help from CFX itself on this. Though, a combination of experience and physics understanding, and probe points/surfaces, will make you able to measure the change in quantities. For a channel flow, monitoring Pressure would seem like an obvious place to start.

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