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Jo June 24, 2008 14:12

USER_GETVAR for MUSIG variables
Hi, all

I tried to call some variables such as Group I Diameter, Size Fraction, and Index by using USER_GETVAR function.

and I keep getting errors to call them.

I used the following information: Materials: Water and Air at 25 C Musig Fluid: Air Groups: Group 1 and Group 2

The followings are the <variable_description> that I used:

Air.Group 1.Size Fraction Air at 25 C.Group 1.Size Fraction Air at 25 C.Air.Group 1.Size Fraction Air at 25 C.Musig Fluid Air.Group 1.Size Fraction Air at 25 C.Musig Fluid.Air.Group 1.Size Fraction Air at 25 C.Musig Fluid 1.Group 1.Size Fraction

I used many different ones, but none of them worked.

Do you know the right format for USER_GETVAR?

Laksh February 13, 2017 11:29

Were you able to solve your problem Jo? I am facing the same problem

Opaque February 13, 2017 14:52

You can try the following syntax

For variables independent of the size group

MyPolydispersedFluid.<Variable of Interest>

For variables dependent of the size group

MyPolydispersedFluid.MySizeGroup.<Variable of Interest>

Please let us know if it works for you.

Laksh February 14, 2017 06:38


Originally Posted by Opaque (Post 636993)
You can try the following syntax

For variables independent of the size group

MyPolydispersedFluid.<Variable of Interest>

For variables dependent of the size group

MyPolydispersedFluid.MySizeGroup.<Variable of Interest>

Please let us know if it works for you.

Hey Opaque, thank you for replying to the post. Yes, I have already tried the above two suggestions without success. To tell you a bit about my problem; I am trying to apply a PBM for a polydisperse flow(air -continuous & water - polydisperse) in a porous filter. To implement mass transfer source/sink, I need to access some variables(mass/number) of different size bins. I have tried several combinations for the correct format but without success.
Do you know about the format of predefined variables "Group I & J mass, number, etc". As per the "variables" text file, these variables can be used in MUSIG simulation but again the format is a problem.
Thank you in advance for your help.

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