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sakalido November 16, 2011 12:04

make one movie from two separate residual files
Hi all,

I have a transient solution with two residual files. One residual file is up to 0.92 sec. with time step of 0.01. Then I change my boundary condition to close a valve and with the same time step, I run the simulation for 4 sec.

How can I make one movie of these two residual files?

I know how to use animation tools to make a movie from each residual file but I do not know how I can have a movie to see both results from 0 sec to the end, i.e, 4.92 sec.

Thank you

ghorrocks November 16, 2011 18:49

Generate animations of the two simulations separately and save the image frames. Then you can manually make an animation which spans both simulations.

sakalido November 17, 2011 09:56

Hi Glenn,

Thank you very much for your reply.
I don't know how I can make mpg manually from jpeg files.
I actually found some of your previous posts from 2003-2004 about making animations for transient runs from JPEG files using MPEG encode in the following CFX folder: CFX/CFX-5.6/tools/share/src/mpeg_tools/
I am using ANSYS-CFX 11. I could not find the encode in src folder. Is there any other way to generate an mpg file manually from individual JPEG files?

Thank you very much for your help.

sakalido November 17, 2011 10:53

I saw some people suggested uploading .res files one bye one and create key frames for them in CFX post.
I cannot do that either because I want my current time be shown in the video and my second .res file time starts from 0 again. so even if I use keyframes, I have to modify my time expression when the second .res file starts.
When I modify the time expression and I play the video, software want a consistent time expression for all key frames.

Am I using a wrong approach ? maybe I have no way to use POST itself to create animation and I have to use JPEG files ? and if so, again I have that question of how to generate mpeg from jpeg files ?

I really appreciate your advice on this, Thank you,


sakalido November 17, 2011 15:54

I found the solution. I can make a movie from jpeg files in "Windows movie maker". Also I can stitch movies together which is easier in my case.

Thank you for your help,

ghorrocks November 17, 2011 15:59

There are millions of animation encoders out there on the web. Google will find them.

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