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siamakvh November 15, 2016 07:15

How can I couple 2 temperatures in different physics in COMSOL!?
How can I couple 2 temperatures in different physics!?
I have laminar flow and heat transfer in fluids Modules and one extra PDE Eqn. I want to have the same Temperature in both PDE and Heat transfer equations. But Comsol doesn't let me have the same T in PDE and I have to enter like T2 instead. I want the temperature in the first equation to be equal to last equation. I have attached the 4 equations that I want to solve simultaneously. (T in last equation is equal to first eqn.
I tried using temperature coupling in multiphysics but there my PDE equation is not shown there. (Just Laminar flow and Heat transfer in fluids are available!)
Also, I tried to use T2=T in variables in the definition. but i get this error:

'' Duplicate parameter/variable name.
- Variable: comp1.T2
Error in multiphysics compilation.
- Feature: Compile Equations: Stationary (sol2/st1) ''

How can I couple 2 temperatures in different physics in COMSOL!?

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