May 11, 2023, 04:10
Bruggeman Model vs Tortuosity Model in Ion Exchange Membranes
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Join Date: May 2023
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I am working on electrodialysis cell used in seawater desalination using COMSOL software. To do so, I am using the physics of (Tertiary Current Distribution, Nernst-Planck (tcd)) to model ion transport through both tree electrolytes and ion exchange membranes. In ion exchange membranes option (to model both membranes), there is an option at the end called (Effective Transport Parameter Correction) that is used to correct the ion diffusion coefficient used in the membrane from that originally mentioned for free electrolytes. In this option, there are two main models: Bruggeman and Tortuosity).
I tried to understand both in COMSOL manual but I was not able to find enough information that could help me choose which model is better for my case.
Would you please help me in these models regarding the equations used and which model is commonly used in Ion exchange membranes for electrodialysis?