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amin_u50 September 22, 2017 12:06

Simulation time parameters for IC engine

I'm simulating dual-fuel engine and the engine speed is 900 rpm.

I defined initial time step, Min time step, and max time step as 1e-5, 1e-8,1e-4 sec, respectively. So, Why these are not based on the crank angle? If I even put these numbers, around spray injection timing and combustion phasing, CONVERGE calculate each 0.03 crank angle which is very low and time-consuming. If I increase it I face some errors. So, what do you recommend for the time step? Mostly it should be around 0.1 or 0.25 for the spray and combustion phasing.

tmburton September 22, 2017 12:17


Time steps are calculated based on accuracy and stability requirements as prescribed by the various CFL values. We provide an Engine_sector_Diesel_DualFuel example case in Studio that will help you choose appropriate values.

Best regards,


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