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shoaib_maverick March 31, 2021 09:15

Need help with udf library ("undefined symbol: user_outputs_init" error)
I am trying to compile a udf library for user_merit_function. I have user_dynamic_routine.c and user_merit_function.c in my src folder and the necessary header files in input folder. When I try to compile it, i am getting a warning "unrecognized openmp" in shared.h file. Although it gets compiled completely, while running the simulation I am getting an error "undefined symbol: user_outputs_init" while loading

What is this error about? Am I missing some file in src or input folder?

Please do help!

Thank you.

ksrivast March 31, 2021 11:15

Hello Shoaib,

user_outputs_init is present in user_outputs.c. Please check your file if user_out_flag has been enabled. You would require user_outputs.c in your src folder when you compile the UDFs if you want to enable user_out_flag. Also verfiy whether user_outputs_init is being called within user_merit_function.c.

It might be best for you to forward your case to Please use your official email for all correspondence with Convergent Science. Please mention the issues you are facing, attach your case setup and add the cfd-online thread, as reference.


shoaib_maverick April 5, 2021 15:29

Thank you
Thank you so much for the reply. It solved the previous error but now I am getting a new error named: 'undefined symbol: user_ga_merit_function'. I will send an email to the email which you have given now with the screenshot of library compilation too.

Best Regards,

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