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sghadiri September 6, 2023 13:22

Converge-cfd geometry or boundary condition error
I'm new in Converge-cfd.
I have been simulating combustion inside a pre-chamber without any inflow and outflow. Just I assigned a source for my spark plug and want to focus on the flow behavior (there is only one region and no event). I received the mentioned error. I checked my geometry and also the mentioned point in the error file, but I couldn't find any issue. I validate my geometry for main errors, but I have some errors on aspect ratio and small area, but I don't think I got error for that.

^[[91m(Rank 5) FATAL_ERROR: [1954] could not find a side polygon that surrounds the negative area side polygon
this means the stl file probably has problem areas
(-3.999839e-15 2.176780e-05 1.250000e-04)
OR there is something wrong with the configuration of a moving boundary.

Thanks a lot, if there is someone help me.

Xiao Ren September 11, 2023 10:27

Hi sghadiri,

Please contact our support team, which you can fill the form on our website If possible, you can also upload your case for further analysis.

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