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ghost82 October 23, 2014 04:29

Dynamic 2d chart
I saw an animation of a naca 0012 airfoil, which is located here:

The interesting part is the dynamic 2d chart: it seems to monitor one point on the airfoil and insert the value vs rotation angle on the 2d chart dynamically.
Is it possibile to do it in Ensight?

More into details, I'm looking for a solution to dynamically plot in a 2d chart the absorbed power of a rotor machine (simulated with dynamic mesh): something like at time 0s there are no points on the chart, at first time step, let's say 0,01 s the first point is shown and so on till the end of the simulation time.


kevincolburn October 24, 2014 17:06


The short answer is no, not without some work.

The long answer is that EnSight can plot two constants against each other (like alpha vs. Cl) as a scatter plot, but at each timestep, EnSight flushes the values from the previous timestep, so the graph does not "build upon itself". So, it does not build up the plot with values in that manner.


Kevin Colburn

ghost82 October 24, 2014 17:07

Thank you Kevin for your reply.

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