October 21, 2005, 10:17
Block Structured Grid
Hi all,
Does anybody have some hints or references regarding initial geometry of block interfaces (block sides common to two adjacent blocks) for given topology (block connectivity structure) in 2d elliptic multiblock structured grid generation? I do not want the mesher to make automatic blocking of a domain, just somehow initially stretch given (in advace proposed) multiblock topology over a domain defined by boundaries. The block topology may change from case to case, but say it is given by some multiblock topology definition (in topology file) before meshing process starts.
Actually, the original problem is to generate an initial multiblock structured grid for known topology. Every paper, article suppose, prior to elliptic smoothing, that the initial mesh is present, usually using some algebraic mesher like transfinite interpolation (TFI). But in order to be able to perform TFI, distribution of nodes on 4 edges (in 2d) must be known.
thanks a lot, aurel.