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mumtaz ersan August 2, 2015 15:36

record animation

I try to record in animation in avi format and save it to my pc,

But after recording and save it to my pc,

When i play the video, it is only show me black screen,

How can i record animation and save it to my pc???

Can anyone help me???

Boris_M August 6, 2015 02:44

Try to record it as single images. If that works then try to use another codec for the video. If that also didn't work it is hard to tell online what the issue might be. But if the images worked then you can use for example VirtualDub to put all the images into a video. The images should be named with a continuing numbering so simply drag the first image into VirtualDub and it will find the others automatically. It might not have the full scene if there is an image missing and therefore an interruption in the numbering.


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