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Problem with FloEFD showing old results (Solid Edge)

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Old   October 18, 2021, 06:31
Default Problem with FloEFD showing old results (Solid Edge)
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Background: My model is a simple geometry with internal flow simulation of air. The air entering the geometry through rectangular openings with a specified total pressure of 101370 Pa.
The air leaves the geometry through a bigger rectangular opening with defined environmental pressure of 101325 Pa.
The goal is to determine how much air that will pass by the inlet and outlet when changing the dimension of the smaller rectangular inlet openings.

I run the solver with 17 mm lenght (of the rectangular inlet openings) in the first run and get good results. Then I change the dimension to 8 mm and run the model again, I do not change anything else except for the dimension of the rectangles in the corresponding part file. When the solver is finished the model shows the same results as the first run with 17 mm lenght. When inserting flow trajectories from the inlet I can see that the arrows not only comes from the opening but also from the side of the opening where my old 17 mm rectangular opening occupied. See picture

Screenshot 2021-10-18 113400.jpg
How do I get the solver to understand that the geometry has changed? Has anyone else encountered this bug?

Thanks in advance / Andreas
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Old   November 3, 2021, 09:51
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Boris_M will become famous soon enough
Have you specified to "mesh" and "solve" when running the solver again?

Also, you might want to use the parametric study for such parameter studies. It automates a lot of what you have done manually and you get multiple results to compare directly and don't overwrite the old ones with a new simulation.

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Old   November 4, 2021, 05:37
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Originally Posted by Boris_M View Post
Have you specified to "mesh" and "solve" when running the solver again?

Also, you might want to use the parametric study for such parameter studies. It automates a lot of what you have done manually and you get multiple results to compare directly and don't overwrite the old ones with a new simulation.

Hi Boris! Yes, a small window pops up and telling me the geometry has changed and the program asks me if I wan't to remesh, which I say yes to.

I have investigated the parametric study function but did not like it because I found it hard to know which parameter is the one I'm looking for when choosing variable (a lot of weird names on the variables in the list).

I solved my problem by deleting the FloEFD project and run the wizard again, but this is of course annoying, having to define everything again.
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Old   November 4, 2021, 06:20
Join Date: Jul 2009
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These names are automatically given by the CAD system but you should be able to change them in the parameter itself to easier find them again. Either by double clicking on the dimension (but not on the value, on the dimension lines) when you created one, or via the "Variables" option in the Tools tab. You need to specify a dimension with the definition of a Smart Dimension or similar function. Only then it has a name and a value that is defined and can be changed. These names you can then find easier in the list of dimensions.
Here's also a video about the Variable tools:

Yes, you deleted too much. You would only have to delete the project folder on your hard drive. These are the folders with the numbers in the folder of the CAD model. Each project gets a number and if you don't know which folder it is, then you can right click on the project in FLOEFD and use the Open Projectdirectory option. This opens an Explorer window with the project folder being the one shown.
It might happen that there is a temporary file used for registering the goemtry informaiton which should usually be overwritten with a new one but it can happen that this was not done and the old goeometry file was used. Deleting this folder (after you saved any relevant images etc.) will force the software to write these files again and therefore use the current geometry.
You could have also just used the "Clone" option without copying the results as well and then it shoudl work as well.
If you use the Alternate Assembly possibilities in Solid Edge, you can have multiple design variants and each can have multiple projects assigned to it for various CFD boundary condition changes. The alternate assemblies then represent geometry variations you can control as well. Just make sure if you have created a first project before you create a first alternate assembly, that you don't change the assembly configuration name of the first one which is usually called Master. Otehrwise the project is not finding that geometry variant it is applied to and therefore also doesn't show anymore in the FLOEFD menu. You can change the assembly variant afterwards again back to Master and the project will show again.
If you are not familiar with alternate assemblies, you should find some videos like this one on YouTube:
With this you can change dimensions of sketches and features as well as assembly constraints and even switch complete parts.
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