April 25, 2024, 23:08
Pump with rotating impeller (In and Out Flow Rate not equal)
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 38
Rep Power: 15
Hi peepz! Just wanted to get some help with regards to my pump model. I made a rotating region on my impeller and have overlap on solid pump housing volute. Made stator wall on surfaces where there is a rotating region overlap. Inlet flow rate at 36LPM with rotating speed of 6300RPM doesnt have same outlet flow rate. Results were doubled. May i know where did I go wrong?
My setting on initial domain is water (fluid default is liquid). I have an air tight cavity for my electronics and i created a fluid domain air (pressure potential gravity ON). Rotation is ON for initial domain and Outlet is Static Pressure at 101Kpa.
My conduction heat transfer for electronics seems ok. Reference to test data. But i just can't balance the volume flow rate or mass flow rate (already tried the massflow)
Thanks for the help. =)