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Questions about FLOW 3D modeling capabilities

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Old   January 7, 2023, 12:37
Default Questions about FLOW 3D modeling capabilities
Youssef Hafez
Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 48
Rep Power: 4
Dr Youssef Hafez is on a distinguished road
I would like to know some details and information about FLOW 3D models as this information could not be found on FLOW 3D website.

1- Does FLOW 3D have a special modelling treatment of turbulence in free surface flows (open channel flows). For example, what is the type of stress-strain rate relationship (linear or nonlinear)? Is the turbulent viscosity isotropic or it could be anisotropic-turbulent- viscosity? How are the free surface effects on turbulence considered such as damping of the turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent viscosity at the free surface?

2- What can be the maximum domain length that can be covered in FLOW 3D models? For example for 3D problems is it up to 1000 m or what? For 2D problems (depth-averages models) can the domain length reach long distances such as 20 km or 50 km? For a 1D problem what can be the maximum domain length?

3- It is not clear on the website what type of one dimensional (1D) problems are considered by FLOW 3D. Is it similar to HEC models solving the energy equation? Or solving the full dynamic equations? What type of 1D applications in FLOW 3D?

4- The use of 2D depth average models is not good when there are flow curvatures. Most 2D problems have flow curvature such as the flow turning around an obstacle (e.g. bridge pier or abutment or dyke) or horizontal flow in a meandering channel. What do you recommend to do in this case? Have you investigated this issue?

5- Does FLOW 3D have a water distribution network model? If so can I get information about it?

6- Does FLOW 3D have 2D models in the vertical direction (not a depth-averaged), such as in the cross sectional normal to the main flow or in the vertical longitudinal plane of the flow.

7- Does FLOW 3D have river meander migration models?
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