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Fluent DPM unsteady injection file read issues

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Old   March 10, 2021, 13:20
Default Fluent DPM unsteady injection file read issues
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I am trying to get an unsteady DPM simulation running using a .inj file and am running into errors regarding the injection file formatting. In the documentation (2020-R2) the following is said of unsteady .inj formats:

The unsteady file must have a two-line header of the following format:
(z=4 13)
  ( x y z u v w diameter t parcel-mass mass n-in-parcel time flow-time  name)
In the first line, you can replace z=4 with an arbitrary label that must not contain any white-space
characters. You must not change the rest of the header, but you can add any number of white
space characters between its elements. The header is automatically written by ANSYS Fluent into
every sampling file for unsteady particle tracking.

The unsteady file for a file injection has the following form:
(( x y z u v w diameter temperature parcel-mass mass n-in-parcel  time flow-time) name)
So I have tried to replicate this with the following (just using two injections for the sake of example):

(z=4 13)
( x y z u v w diameter t parcel-mass mass n-in-parcel time flow-time name)
((2.958076e+00 -8.214376e-01 8.320422e-01 -6.094111e-02 7.928544e-02  0.000000e+00 1.000000e-02 2.930000e+02 1.000000e-01 1.000000e-01  1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00) injection0:0 )
((2.816757e+00 -1.182306e+00 1.249779e+00 -4.697874e-02 8.827796e-02  0.000000e+00 1.000000e-02 2.930000e+02 1.000000e-01 1.000000e-01  1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00) injection0:1 )
This is giving me the following error:
Error: CAR: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair]
Error Object: z=4
So it seems to be falling down immediately on the header formatting with a type error, which I am surprised by as I think the header is just a copy/paste job in all cases?
To try and see where I was going wrong I manually created some dummy injection points and wrote the resulting .inj file out, getting this (some bits omitted):
((injection-1 ((type . inert) (injection-type . group) (cone-type .  solid-cone) (numpts . 5) (dpm-fname . " ") (surfaces . #f) (boundary  -1) (stochastic-on . #f) (random-eddy-on . #f) (ntries . 1)  (time-scale-constant . 0.15) (cloud-on . #f) (cloud-min-dia . 0.)  (cloud-max-dia . 100000.) 
(x-pos2 . 3.2) (y-pos . -1.75) (y-pos2 . -1.75) (z-pos . 0.5) (z-pos2 .  0.5) (ff-center-x . 0) (ff-center-y . 0) (ff-center-z . 0)  (ff-virtual-origin-x . 0) (ff-virtual-origin-y . 0) (ff-virtual-origin-z  . 1) (ff-normal-x . 1) (ff-normal-y . 0) (ff-normal-z . 0) (x-vel . 0)  (x-vel2 . 0.) (y-vel . 0.5) (y-vel2 . 0.5) (z-vel . 0) (z-vel2 . 0.)  (x-ang-vel . 0) (x-ang-vel2 . 0.) (y-ang-vel . 0) (y-ang-vel2 . 0.)  (z-ang-vel . 0) (z-ang-vel2 . 0.) (atomizer-x-axis . 0) (atomizer-y-axis  . 0) (atomizer-z-axis . 1) (diameter . 1e-06) (diameter2 . 1e-06)  (temperature . 300) (temperature2 . 300.) (flow-rate .  9.999999999999999e-21) (flow-rate2 . 9.999999999999999e-21)  (unsteady-start . 0) (unsteady-stop . 0)  (start-at-flow-time-in-unsteady-inj-file . 0)  (interval-to-repeat-in-unsteady-inj-file . 0) (unsteady-ca-start . 0)  (unsteady-ca-stop . 0) (vapor-pressure . 10000) (inner-diameter . 0.001)  (outer-diameter . 0.005) (half-angle . 0.34906585) (plain-length .  0.001) (plain-corner-size . 1e-05) (plain-const-a . 4.9)  (pswirl-inj-press . 1000000) (airbl-rel-vel . 100) (effer-quality .  0.08500000000000001) (effer-t-sat . 373) (ff-orifice-width . 0.001)  (phi-start . 0) (phi-stop . 6.283185310001) (sheet-const . 12)  (lig-const . 0.5) (effer-const . 0.3300000000000001)  (effer-half-angle-max . 0.261799388) (ff-sheet-const . 3)  (atomizer-disp-angle . 6) (x-axis . 0) (y-axis . 0) (z-axis . 1)  (vel-mag . 0) (ang-vel-mag . 0) (cone-angle . 0) (inner-radius . 0)  (radius . 0) (swirl-frac . 0) (total-flow-rate . 9.999999999999999e-21)  (total-mass . 9.999999999999999e-21) (rr-min . 1e-06) (rr-max . 0.0001)  (rr-mean . 1e-05) (rr-spread . 3.5) (rr-numdia . 10) (x-posr . 0)  (y-posr . 0) (z-posr . 0) (x-posu . 0) (y-posu . 0) (z-posu . 0))))
Am I just misunderstanding the formatting as described in the documentation? Should there be periods between entries to adhere to being of pair type?

Any insight appreciated!
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Old   March 16, 2021, 02:06
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Dear ergk-10,
I wonder if you have solved this problem?I have the same problem as you.I am looking for a solution and will communicate with you if I make any progress.
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Old   March 16, 2021, 07:33
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I've tried a number of methods, including.inj files that others have been successful with, and this problem also occurs.I'm also using Fluent (2020-R2), and I think this might be a bug with this version.I found another way to be wary in the Help document (2020-R2) '25.3.21. Point Properties for Transient Injection'.I'm trying.The following is the content of a document generated by the software itself when I calculated steady state. You can also try it:
PHP Code:
(out 12)
x           y            z            u            v            w     diameter            t    mass-flow         mass    frequency         time         name)
1.2075e+01   1.5821e+00   2.6759e+01  -1.7715e+00   2.0711e+00  -7.2371e-01   1.1000e-06   2.2461e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   3.4806e+02in1.1:54)
1.2075e+01   1.6645e+00   2.6739e+01  -3.5820e+00   2.2304e+00  -4.9903e-01   1.1000e-06   2.3274e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   1.2150e+02in1.1:33)
1.2075e+01   1.5748e+00   2.6851e+01  -9.4928e-01   9.5859e-01  -1.5242e+00   1.1000e-06   2.3513e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   6.7870e+02in1.1:73)
1.2075e+01   1.7058e+00   2.6852e+01  -1.6448e+00   6.3611e-01  -2.6568e+00   1.1000e-06   2.2206e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   2.8329e+02in1.1:64)
1.2075e+01   1.7307e+00   2.6851e+01  -1.6161e+00   5.3728e-01  -2.7611e+00   1.1000e-06   2.2365e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   3.6577e+02in1.1:1)
1.2075e+01   1.6464e+00   2.6738e+01  -3.1764e+00   2.2730e+00  -4.9401e-01   1.1000e-06   2.3121e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   3.2221e+02in1.1:19)
1.2075e+01   1.6777e+00   2.6774e+01  -3.8408e+00   1.6745e+00  -1.4030e+00   1.1000e-06   2.3613e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   1.3388e+02in1.1:16)
1.2075e+01   1.7144e+00   2.6826e+01  -2.6574e+00   5.3007e-01  -2.6950e+00   1.1000e-06   2.1225e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   3.1160e+02in1.1:18)
1.2075e+01   1.6817e+00   2.6752e+01  -3.8344e+00   1.9340e+00  -7.8139e-01   1.1000e-06   2.3604e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   3.3011e+02in1.1:65)
1.2075e+01   1.7035e+00   2.6769e+01  -4.2723e+00   1.2012e+00  -1.2395e+00   1.1000e-06   2.3217e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   5.0424e+02in1.1:4)
1.2075e+01   1.6953e+00   2.6851e+01  -1.6690e+00   6.5163e-01  -2.5793e+00   1.1000e-06   2.2272e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   4.3823e+02in1.1:29)
1.2075e+01   1.6769e+00   2.6841e+01  -1.9452e+00   7.9896e-01  -2.4261e+00   1.1000e-06   2.2453e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   2.0427e+02in1.1:56)
1.2075e+01   1.7136e+00   2.6843e+01  -1.9447e+00   5.6097e-01  -2.6956e+00   1.1000e-06   2.1859e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   2.1391e+02in1.1:57)
1.2075e+01   1.7102e+00   2.6845e+01  -2.0490e+00   5.8720e-01  -2.7387e+00   1.1000e-06   2.1861e+02   1.9643e-09   6.9566e-16   2.8236e+06   2.1057e+02in1.1:83
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Old   March 17, 2021, 11:52
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I've not managed to make any progress with this yet, I may be able to test on another version in which case I'll let you know if that works!

I'll give that example a go too!
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dpm, file, fluent, injection, unsteady

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