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Compute/Extract cell wall distance

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Old   March 23, 2017, 08:05
Default Compute/Extract cell wall distance
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G Ionut
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 29
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I want to determine the cell wall distance or to get its values from FLUENT Solver.
I need the cell wall distance to compute the yStar, and eventually to calculate the velocity (to use a custom wall function).

I tried to calculate the cell wall distance by identify the wall thread. The code that I used it is written below.
After I did a simulation I compared the values from of "Cell Wall Distance" variable from fluent with the ones that I compute "dist". I attached a the graph comparing the two variables.

1. What I did wrong in my code?
2. It is possible to get the values of the "Cell Wall Distance" from the solver so that I can use them in my udf? Like a macro or something like that?
3. Is this function "C_STORAGE_R(f,t,SV_WALL_YPLUS)" the yStar?

The geometry that I use is a 3D asymetric diffuser (Diffuser 1 from the article "Geometric sensitivity of three-dimensional separated by Erica M. Cherry"

	d = Get_Domain(1);
	Thread *t_wall;
	Thread *t_adj;
	cell_t c_adj;
	face_t f;
	real f_cen[ND_ND], c_cen[ND_ND], dist;
	real k, y_star;
// Identify the wall cell thread	
	int wall_id = 11;
	t_wall = Lookup_Thread(d,wall_id);
// Identify the adjacent cells and thread to the wall
		c_adj = F_C0(f,t_wall);
		t_adj = THREAD_T0(t_wall);
// Extract Turbulent Kinetic Energy from solver
		k = C_K(c_adj,t_adj);
// Get the face and cell centroid near the wall
// Compute the distance from the cell of first layer to the face on the wall		
		dist = sqrt(ND_SUM(pow(c_cen[0]-f_cen[0],2),pow(c_cen[1]-f_cen[1],2),pow(c_cen[2]-f_cen[2],2)));
		C_UDMI(c_adj,t_adj,2) = dist;

// Extract yStar
		C_UDMI(c_adj,t_adj,1) = C_STORAGE_R(f,t_wall,SV_WALL_YPLUS);
// Compute yStar		
     	y_star = (DENSITY*pow(CMU,(1./4.))*pow(k,(1./2.))*dist)/MU;
     	C_UDMI(c_adj,t_adj,0) = y_star;
     	//printf("dist: %d\n", dist);
Thank you for support.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Cell Wall Distance - Solver vs dist - UDF.jpg (86.6 KB, 24 views)
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