Whats is wrong with my UDF
I'm trying to model blood flow on a backward facing step (2D) using a shear-dependent viscosity (non-newtonian). When I use a UDF-defined carreau viscosity, I get normal convergence and results. However, when I'm using a UDF-defined viscosity for both the power-law viscosity and Walburn-Schneck model, I getting following messege (before any iterations took place). "Error: Divergence detected in AMG solver: x-momentum Error Object: #f" code for carreau-viscosity: #include "udf.h" #define LAMBDA 3.313 #define N 0.3568 #define MU_ZERO 0.056 #define MU_INF 0.0035 DEFINE_PROPERTY(carr_viscosity,c,t) { real mu; /*I created a variable mu*/ real strain_rate; strain_rate = C_STRAIN_RATE_MAG(c,t); mu = MU_INF+(MU_ZERO-MU_INF)*pow((1+pow((LAMBDA*strain_rate),2)),(N-1)/2); return mu; } Code for power-law: #include "udf.h" #define N 0.6 #define MU_ZERO 0.035 DEFINE_PROPERTY(cell_viscosity,c,t) { real mu; real strain_rate; strain_rate = C_STRAIN_RATE_MAG(c,t); mu = MU_ZERO*pow(strain_rate,N-1); return mu; } code for Walburn-Schneck: #include "udf.h" #define C_1 0.00797 #define C_2 0.0608 #define C_3 0.00499 #define C_4 14.585 #define H 0.40 #define TPMA 25.9 #define E 2.71828182846 DEFINE_PROPERTY(cell_viscosity,c,t) { real mu; real strain_rate; strain_rate = C_STRAIN_RATE_MAG(c,t); mu = C_1*pow(E,C_2*H)*pow(E,C_4*TPMA/pow(H,2))*pow(strain_rate,-C_3*H); return mu; } Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks! |
try to set the relaxation factor to a lower value on your initialization. It worked for me. |
Not the problem, but really ugly:
pow(E,C_2*H) Code:
exp(C_2*H) - Initialize your case with the carreau-viscosity that worked. - Change the viscosity to the power law. Don't run the simulation! - Plot the viscosity, and look which values you get. Are they reasonable? |
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