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Custom Parameter Output in Fluent using Scheme

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Old   April 13, 2018, 11:02
Default Custom Parameter Output in Fluent using Scheme
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 80
Rep Power: 9
ishan_ae is on a distinguished road
I am trying to write the O/P parameters(OPP) in Fluent in a custom format. I know that Fluent can write all the parameters in a file in a very convenient user readable way.

The issue is, I have to execute a large number of simulations and each simulation will write a file with the calculated OPP. As you can imagine, it is not very convenient if I have to open the file manually everytime to see the result of an OPP for different simulations.

One solution to this I think can be the usage of „ports“ in Scheme programming. Once, I open a port, then I can move forward to write the OPP using the file write comands(hopefully).

What Fluent prints in the console is something like this :
       Output Parameter               Value Units               
 Parameter 1                             500 k                   
This is not very helpful since it’s a mix of „string“ and „float“.

What I want is just „4.1509156248“ as a value. Once, I get just the numeric value, I can store it in a variable and make use of „ports“ to write that to a file.

My question is how can I access the OPP in Fluent as a single data type( or „float“ in most cases) ?

The end goal here is to append the multiple OPP of all the simulations in a file of format something like this:

                         Parameter 1          Parameter 2
  Simulation_1         someValue          someValue
  Simulation_1         someValue          someValue
         |                    |                 |
         |                    |                 |
If writing it in Scheme turns out to be too complex, I have a last option of reading all the files in Python and manipulating them to write all the OPP in the desired format.

I know very little about Scheme. Until now I have been successful in making use of lists and „do“ loops and for that, I am thankful to the MIT Scheme reference guide and other sources.

Also, I am using Fluent 17.0
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fluent, parameters, scheme programming

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