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#1 |
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Join Date: Jun 2018
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Hello Everyone,
I'm trying to compile a UDF for pulsatile flow which is:- #include "udf.h" #include "sg.h" #include "sg_mphase.h" #include "flow.h" #include "mem.h" double sumx0=0; /* Initial x position of the bubble in the pool */ double sumy0=0.; /* Initial y position of the bubble in the pool */ double uvel; /* u Velocity, a global variable */ double vvel; /* v Velocity, a global variable */ double uavgo; double uavgoo; double yo[65]; double uo[65]; double vo[65]; double to[65]; double yoo[34]; double uoo[34]; double voo[34]; double too[34]; double yi[65]; double ui[65]; double vi[65]; double ti[65]; double yii[34]; double uii[34]; double vii[34]; double tii[34]; real qwa = 32000.0; real CpL = 4182.0; real CpG = 1006.43; real rhoL = 997.0; real rhoG = 1.225; real R = 0.0005; real LUC = 0.005; real omega = 100.0; real eg = 0.3; real U1= 0.2; real UTP=0.1; DEFINE_ADJUST(outlet1_store,domain) { real FC1[2]; face_t f; real areao=0.0, uao=0.0; real NV_VEC(A); int IDo=10;/*Zone ID for outlet zone from Boundary Conditions task page*/ int p=0; Thread *thread=Lookup_Thread(domain,IDo); begin_f_loop(f,thread) { F_CENTROID(FC1,f,thread); yo[p]=FC1[1]; uo[p]=F_U(f,thread); vo[p]=F_V(f,thread); to[p]=F_T(f,thread); areao +=F_AREA(A,f,thread); uao +=(F_U(f,thread))*(NV_MAG(A)); p+=1; } end_f_loop(f,thread) uavgo=(uao/areao); } DEFINE_ADJUST(outlet2_store,domain) { real FC2[2]; face_t f; real area=0.0, ua=0.0; real NV_VEC(A); int IDo=11;/*Zone ID for outlet zone from Boundary Conditions task page*/ int w=0; Thread *thread=Lookup_Thread(domain,IDo); begin_f_loop(f,thread) { F_CENTROID(FC2,f,thread); yoo[w]=FC2[1]; uoo[w]=F_U(f,thread); voo[w]=F_V(f,thread); too[w]=F_T(f,thread); area +=F_AREA(A,f,thread); ua +=(F_U(f,thread))*(NV_MAG(A)); w+=1; } end_f_loop(f,thread) uavgoo=(ua/area); } DEFINE_ADJUST(inlet1_store,domain) { real FC3[2]; face_t f; int IDi=8;/*Zone ID for intlet zone from Boundary Conditions task page*/ int k=0; Thread *thread1=Lookup_Thread(domain,IDi); begin_f_loop(f,thread1) { F_CENTROID(FC3,f,thread1); yi[k]=FC3[1]; ti[k]=F_T(f,thread1); ui[k]=F_U(f,thread1); k+=1; } end_f_loop(f,thread1) } DEFINE_ADJUST(inlet2_store,domain) { real FC4[2]; face_t f; int IDi=9;/*Zone ID for intlet zone from Boundary Conditions task page*/ int a=0; Thread *thread1=Lookup_Thread(domain,IDi); begin_f_loop(f,thread1) { F_CENTROID(FC4,f,thread1); yii[a]=FC4[1]; tii[a]=F_T(f,thread1); uii[a]=F_U(f,thread1); a+=1; } end_f_loop(f,thread1) } DEFINE_PROFILE(x1_velocity,t,i) { face_t f; real r, R, y, x, Ub, utp, omega, tin, U1; real xc[ND_ND];/*This will hold the position vector*/ real xc2[ND_ND];/*This will hold the position vector*/ real time_step=RP_Get_Integer("time-step"); int n=0; R=0.0005;/*The radius of tube in m*/ utp=0.1; U1 = 0.2; omega = 100; tin= CURRENT_TIME; if ((time_step)<300000) { begin_f_loop(f,t) { F_CENTROID(xc,f,t); x=xc[0]; y=xc[1]; r=y/R; /*non-dimensional y coordinate*/ F_PROFILE(f,t,i)= 2*((U1+utp*(cos(omega*(tin-0.024995))))*(1-(r*r))); } end_f_loop(f,t) } else { begin_f_loop (f,t) { F_CENTROID(xc2,f,t); for (n=0;n<65;n++) { if ((fabs(xc2[1]-yo[n]))<0.000000001) { F_PROFILE (f,t,i) =(uo[n]); } } } end_f_loop (f,t) } } DEFINE_PROFILE(x2_velocity,t,i) { face_t f; real r, R, y, x, Ub, utp, omega, tin, U1; real xc3[ND_ND];/*This will hold the position vector*/ real xc4[ND_ND];/*This will hold the position vector*/ real time_step=RP_Get_Integer("time-step"); int l=0; R=0.0005;/*The radius of tube in m*/ utp=0.1; U1=0.2; omega = 100; tin= CURRENT_TIME; if ((time_step)<300000) { begin_f_loop(f,t) { F_CENTROID(xc3,f,t); x=xc3[0]; y=xc3[1]; r=y/R; /*non-dimensional y coordinate*/ F_PROFILE(f,t,i)= 2*((U1+utp*(cos(omega*(tin-0.024995))))*(1-(r*r))); } end_f_loop(f,t) } else { begin_f_loop (f,t) { F_CENTROID(xc4,f,t); for (l=0;l<34;l++) { if ((fabs(xc4[1]-yoo[l]))<0.000000001) { F_PROFILE (f,t,i) =uoo[l]; } } } end_f_loop (f,t) } } DEFINE_PROFILE(y1_velocity,t,i) { real xc5[ND_ND];/*This will hold the position vector*/ face_t f; int m=0; real time_step=RP_Get_Integer("time-step"); if ((time_step)<300000) { begin_f_loop(f,t) { F_PROFILE(f,t,i)= 0; } end_f_loop(f,t) } else { begin_f_loop (f, t) { F_CENTROID(xc5,f,t); for (m=0;m<65;m++) { if ((fabs(xc5[1]-yo[m]))<0.000000001) { F_PROFILE (f,t,i) =vo[m]; } } } end_f_loop (f, t) } } DEFINE_PROFILE(y2_velocity,t,i) { real xc6[ND_ND];/*This will hold the position vector*/ face_t f; int e=0; real time_step=RP_Get_Integer("time-step"); if ((time_step)<300000) { begin_f_loop(f,t) { F_PROFILE(f,t,i)= 0; } end_f_loop(f,t) } else { begin_f_loop (f, t) { F_CENTROID(xc6,f,t); for (e=0;e<34;e++) { if ((fabs(xc6[1]-yoo[e]))<0.000000001) { F_PROFILE (f,t,i) =voo[e]; } } } end_f_loop (f, t) } } DEFINE_CG_MOTION(vel_comp, dt, vel, omega, time, dtime) { vel[0] = uvel; } DEFINE_PROFILE(outlet1_temp,thread, nv) { real xc7[ND_ND]; face_t f; int j=0; int d=0; real UK, tin, wallheat, bulkheat, dtemp; tin= CURRENT_TIME; UK = ((U1+UTP*(cos(omega*(tin-0.024995))))); wallheat= qwa*2*M_PI*R*LUC; bulkheat= (((UK-eg*uvel)*(rhoL*CpL))+ (eg*uvel*rhoG*CpG))*M_PI*R*R; dtemp = ( wallheat/bulkheat ); begin_f_loop (f, thread); { F_CENTROID(xc7,f,thread); for (j=0;j<65;j++) { if ((fabs(uvel-ui[j]))>0.0000000001) { for (d=0;d<65;d++) { if ((fabs(xc7[1]-yi[d]))<0.0000000001) { F_PROFILE (f,thread, nv) = ((ti[d])+(dtemp)); } } } } } end_f_loop (f, thread) } DEFINE_PROFILE(outlet2_temp,thread, nv) { real xc8[ND_ND]; face_t f; int s=0; int g=0; real UK, tin, wallheat, bulkheat, dtemp; tin= CURRENT_TIME; UK = ((U1+UTP*(cos(omega*(tin-0.024995))))); wallheat= qwa*2*M_PI*R*LUC; bulkheat= (((UK-eg*uvel)*(rhoL*CpL))+ (eg*uvel*rhoG*CpG))*M_PI*R*R; dtemp = ( wallheat/bulkheat ); begin_f_loop (f, thread); { F_CENTROID(xc8,f,thread); for (s=0;s<34;s++) { if ((fabs(uvel-uii[s]))>0.0000000001) { for (g=0;g<34;g++) { if ((fabs(xc8[1]-yii[g]))<0.0000000001) { F_PROFILE (f,thread, nv) = ((tii[g])+(dtemp)); } } } } } end_f_loop (f, thread) } DEFINE_PROFILE(inlet1_temp,thread, nv) { real xc9[ND_ND]; face_t f; int z=0; int b=0; real UK, tin, wallheat, bulkheat, dtemp; tin= CURRENT_TIME; UK = ((U1+UTP*(cos(omega*(tin-0.024995))))); wallheat= qwa*2*M_PI*R*LUC; bulkheat= (((UK-eg*uvel)*(rhoL*CpL))+ (eg*uvel*rhoG*CpG))*M_PI*R*R; dtemp = ( wallheat/bulkheat ); begin_f_loop (f, thread); { F_CENTROID(xc9,f,thread); for (z=0;z<65;z++) { if ((fabs(uvel-uo[z]))>0.0000000001) { for (b=0;b<65;b++) { if ((fabs(xc9[1]-yo[b]))<0.0000000001) { F_PROFILE (f,thread, nv) = ((to[b])-(dtemp)); } } } } } end_f_loop (f, thread) } DEFINE_PROFILE(inlet2_temp,thread, nv) { real xc10[ND_ND]; face_t f; int h=0; int v=0; real UK, tin, wallheat, bulkheat, dtemp; tin= CURRENT_TIME; UK = ((U1+UTP*(cos(omega*(tin-0.024995))))); wallheat= qwa*2*M_PI*R*LUC; bulkheat= (((UK-eg*uvel)*(rhoL*CpL))+ (eg*uvel*rhoG*CpG))*M_PI*R*R; dtemp = ( wallheat/bulkheat ); begin_f_loop (f, thread); { F_CENTROID(xc10,f,thread); for (h=0;h<34;h++) { if ((fabs(uvel-uoo[h]))>0.0000000001) { for (v=0;v<34;v++) { if ((fabs(xc10[1]-yoo[v]))<0.0000000001) { F_PROFILE (f,thread, nv) = ((too[v])-(dtemp)); } } } } } end_f_loop (f, thread) } DEFINE_ADJUST(velocity,domain) { FILE *fp2; Thread *t; Thread *st; cell_t c; real max=0.0,Ymin=0.0, x0, y0, VFs, VFp, tin; real xc11[ND_ND];/*This will hold the position vector*/ double x; fp2 = fopen("Ub.txt","a"); thread_loop_c(t,domain) { st=THREAD_SUB_THREAD(t,1); /* printf("x0 = %g\n ", sumx0);*/ begin_c_loop(c,t) { C_CENTROID(xc11,c,t); VFs=C_VOF(c,st); /* Getting volume factions of cells */ max+=C_VOF(c,st)*(C_U(c,t))*(C_VOLUME(c,t))*2*M_PI ; Ymin+=C_VOF(c,st)*(C_VOLUME(c,t))*2*M_PI; } end_c_loop(c,t) uvel=(max/Ymin); tin = CURRENT_TIME; fprintf(fp2," TIME = %g MAX = %g Y = %g U = %g\n ", tin, max, Ymin, uvel); } fclose(fp2); } While compiling this UDF I'm encountering these different types of error:- 1)'nmake is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file. 2) Error: Auto-compilation skipped. Could not find "libudf" or input files for creating "libudf" library Error Object: #f Reading "E:\IITG\PULSATILE FLOW\T_Puls_25000.dat"... Error: chip-exec: function "x1_velocity::libudf" not found. Error: chip-exec: function "y1_velocity::libudf" not found. Error: chip-exec: function "x2_velocity::libudf" not found. Error: chip-exec: function "y2_velocity::libudf" not found. Is there any solution to these errors? I've tried many things like launching fluent through microsoft sdk command prompt.I'm having Visual Studio 2013 in my PC.I'm working on this error since last 10 days. Any suggestion to this thread are heavily appreciated. Thanks |
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#2 |
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 246
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Hi Akshat,
Here are some useful posts on compiling UDFs -- for example: links to instructions Visual Studio 2017 for udf use - which modules do I need?; troubleshooting errors How to solve UDF compilation problems in Fluent.; the basic steps of compile/load/hook The UDF library you are trying to load (libudf) is not compiled for 3D on the current. It would be a good idea to check that you can compile a really simple UDF before you launch into multiple UDFs with hundreds of lines of code. Then build up the complexity of the UDFs slowly. Good luck! Ed |
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libudf, nmake, udf |
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