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wcj1n18 February 11, 2021 05:46

Modifying Contact Detection UDF for 3D

Does anyone have experience of modifying the 2D Contact Detection UDF example in the UDF manual to 3D. This is what I would like to do currently, however there is little information available (as far as I know) on the definitions of the macros involved so it is very difficult to do so. If anyone could point me in the correct direction or has experience with modifying the UDF then please let me know.

Any help you can give would be great!

Thank you! :) :)

PS. 2D example is here:

/************************************************** ***\
*2-degree of freedom equation of motion compiled UDF *
\************************************************* ****/

#include "udf.h"

DEFINE_CONTACT(contact_props, dt, contacts)
Objp *o;
face_t face;
Thread *thread;
Domain *domain = NULL;
Dynamic_Thread *ndt = NULL;

int tid, nid, n_faces;

real v0dotn1, v1dotn0;
real nc_mag, norm0_mag, norm1_mag;

real N3V_VEC (vel_rel);
real N3V_VEC (nc), N3V_VEC (nctmp);
real N3V_VEC (xc), N3V_VEC (xctmp);
real N3V_VEC (vel0), N3V_VEC (omega0), N3V_VEC (theta0), N3V_VEC (norm0);
real N3V_VEC (vel1), N3V_VEC (omega1), N3V_VEC (theta1), N3V_VEC (norm1);

if (!Data_Valid_P())

/* Define a common contact point / plane */
N3V_S (nc, =, 0.0);
N3V_S (xc, =, 0.0);

/* Fetch current thread ID */
tid = THREAD_ID (DT_THREAD (dt));

nid = -1;
n_faces = 0;

loop (o, contacts)
face = O_F (o);
thread = O_F_THREAD (o);

/*Skip faces on current thread */
if (THREAD_ID (thread) == tid)

/*NOTE ID of the other thread for posterity */
if (nid == -1)
nid = THREAD_ID (thread);

/* Initialise to zero */
N3V_S (nctmp, =, 0.0);
N3V_S (xctmp, =, 0.0);

F_AREA (nctmp, face, thread);
F_CENTROID (xctmp, face, thread);

* Negative sum because wall normals
* point out of the fluid domain
N3V_V (nc, -=, nctmp);
N3V_V (xc, +=, xctmp);



# if RP_NODE
/* Reduce in parallel */
nid = PRF_GIHIGH1 (nid);
n_faces = PRF_GISUM1 (n_faces);

PRF_GRSUM3 (nc[0], nc[1], nc[2]);
PRF_GRSUM3 (xc[0], xc[1], xc[2]);
# endif

/* Propogate to host */
node_to_host_int_2 (nid, n_faces);
node_to_host_real_3 (nc[0], nc[1], nc[2]);
node_to_host_real_3 (xc[0], xc[1], xc[2]);

if (n_faces > 0)
nc_mag = N3V_MAG (nc) + REAL_MIN;

N3V_S (nc, /=, nc_mag);
N3V_S (xc, /=, n_faces);

"\nContact:: tid: %d nid: %d n_faces: %d "
"Point: (%f %f %f) Normal: (%f %f %f)",
tid, nid, n_faces,
xc[0], xc[1], xc[2],
nc[0], nc[1], nc[2]

/* Fetch thread for opposite body */
domain = THREAD_DOMAIN (DT_THREAD (dt));
thread = Lookup_Thread (domain, nid);

if (NULLP (thread))
Message("\nWarning: No thread for nid %d ", nid);

ndt = THREAD_DT (thread);

/* Fetch body parameters */
SDOF_Get_Motion (dt, vel0, omega0, theta0);

/* Compute difference vectors and normalise */
N3V_VV (norm0, =, xc, -, DT_CG (dt));
norm0_mag = N3V_MAG (norm0) + REAL_MIN;
N3V_S (norm0, /=, norm0_mag);

if (NULLP (ndt))
/*Stationary body/ wall. Use contact normal */
N3V_V (norm1, =, nc);

/* Compute relative velocity */
N3V_S (vel1, =, 0.0);
N3V_V (vel_rel, =, vel0);
/* Fetch body parameters */
SDOF_Get_Motion (ndt, vel1, omega1, theta1);

/* Compute relative velocity */
N3V_VV (vel_rel, =, vel0, -, vel1);

/* Compute difference vectors and normalise */
N3V_VV (norm1, =, xc, -, DT_CG (ndt));
norm1_mag = N3V_MAG (norm1) + REAL_MIN;
N3V_S (norm1, /=, norm1_mag);

/* Check if velocity needs to be reversed */
if (N3V_DOT (vel_rel, nc) < 0.0)
/* Reflect velocity across the normal */
v1dotn0 = 2.0 * N3V_DOT (vel1, norm0);

N3V_S (norm0, *=, v1dotn0);
N3V_V (vel1, -=, norm0);

/* Override body velocity */
SDOF_Overwrite_Motion (ndt, vel1, omega1, theta1);

/* Check if velocity needs to be reversed */
if (N3V_DOT (vel_rel, nc) < 0.0)
/* Reflect velocity across the normal */
v0dotn1 = 2.0 * N3V_DOT (vel0, norm1);

N3V_S (norm1, *=, v0dotn1);
N3V_V (vel0, -=, norm1);

/* Override body vectors */
SDOF_Overwrite_Motion (dt, vel0, omega0, theta0);

"\ncontact_props: Updated :: vel0 = (%f %f %f) vel1 = (%f %f %f)",
vel0[0], vel0[1], vel0[2], vel1[0], vel1[1], vel1[2]

pakk February 11, 2021 06:33

Have you already tried to just use this code in 3D? If so, what went wrong?

wcj1n18 February 11, 2021 09:24

Hi Pakk,

Thanks for the response. You're correct, maybe it should still work in 3D and I get an error for another reason, however, the error I get is this:

999999: mpt_accept: error: accept failed: No such file or directory
. (lots of repeats)
999999: mpt_accept: error: accept failed: No such file or directory

Node 2: Process 7064: Received signal SIGSEGV.

999999: mpt_accept: error: accept failed: No such file or directory

999999: mpt_accept: error: accept failed

Node 7: Process 21496: Received signal SIGSEGV.: No such file or directory

999999: mpt_accept: error: accept failed: No such file or directory
. (lots of repeats)
999999: mpt_accept: error: accept failed: No such file or directory

999999: mpt_accept: error: accept failed: No such file or directoryMPI Application rank 5 exited before MPI_Finalize() with status 2
The fl process could not be started.

The part where it says "The fl process could not be started" I have noticed before in other parts of the forum, but not in this situation:

Personally, I think it's to do with the UDF not being compatible for 3D, but I may be wrong.

Thank you

pakk February 11, 2021 09:44

Do you also get an error in serial mode?

wcj1n18 February 11, 2021 11:44

Running in serial mode seems to make the UDF work in 3D and I don't get the error, thanks for that! However, why is it that the UDF works in parallel for 2D but not 3D? Also, is it possible for me to edit the UDF such that it works in parallel for 3D?

pakk February 11, 2021 12:38

I don't know that... Making a UDF parallel is not something I am good in, and the error messages are never helpful. :(

wcj1n18 February 12, 2021 04:05

OK, but as far as you know it is possible to do so? This is what I would have to do in order to make it work in parallel processing I guess.
Thanks :)

FJW March 15, 2021 13:27

Hi wcj1n18,

Did you manage to modify the 2D Contact Detection UDF to work in 3D? If so, could you please provide me with some pointers on how to do it?

Thank you!

wcj1n18 March 16, 2021 06:35


I actually was over-complicating it. It seems to work in 3D anyway. That code just simply reflects the velocity in the same way that a ball would bounce of a wall. But yeah, it should work in 3D. :)

AlexanderZ March 17, 2021 23:33

there is no reason to make this code parallel

# if RP_NODE
/* Reduce in parallel */
nid = PRF_GIHIGH1 (nid);
n_faces = PRF_GISUM1 (n_faces);

PRF_GRSUM3 (nc[0], nc[1], nc[2]);
PRF_GRSUM3 (xc[0], xc[1], xc[2]);
# endif

/* Propogate to host */
node_to_host_int_2 (nid, n_faces);
node_to_host_real_3 (nc[0], nc[1], nc[2]);
node_to_host_real_3 (xc[0], xc[1], xc[2]);

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