June 10, 2012, 23:49
How can I calculate drag coefficients when there is a blocking object in front
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Hyojin Kim
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 1
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I am doing a term project on wind effects, thus trying to calculate drag coefficient of the object in Workbench fluent.
If this was a usual situation, I would just type in some reference value and in monitors tab select drag and lift. However, my problem is that I have a building in front of a object which interrupts in flow direction and velocity.
Reference values were set at velocity-inlet, frontal area of the object. As for the monitors, directions were x:0, y:0, z;-1 and only object surface was selected. With these values drag coefficient and lift coefficient was calculated.
My question is that can this drag coefficient be trusted even though there is a flow change before the flow reaches the object? If the calculated drag coefficient is right, is it ok to calculate drag with F=0.5*low*Cd*inlet velocity^2 ???
If all above is incorrect, how can I obtain force value acting on wall?
Last edited by hjcaroline; June 10, 2012 at 23:51.
Reason: mistyping