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Arty March 8, 2013 11:59

rotation in Fluent
Hi, guys. Here is the question:
I'm making a 2way FSI analysis considering a gas compressor blade. So, I have a mesh for the blade used in Transient Structural and another mesh for the blade domain used in FLUENT.
I inserted rotational velocity for the blade in the transient analysis and not sure, must I input this value of velocity for the mesh in FLUENT or rotation is not essential for Fluent.

stumpy March 11, 2013 16:14

A rotational velocity in Transient Structural applies the forces due to rotational motion, but it does not actually rotate the mesh. So the displacements passed to Fluent are just the relative deformations due to rotational forces (and fluid forces I assume). The mesh in Fluent should not rotate either so that it remains aligned with the structural side (i.e. do not use a sliding mesh approach in Fluent).
In the transient structural case are you ramping up the rotational velocity? If not, then that means the rotational forces are applied instantaneously at the start of the transient. How will the structure respond to this?

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