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Connecting Fluent benefits and Injection Molding Software

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Old   May 21, 2013, 18:55
Default Connecting Fluent benefits and Injection Molding Software
Stephan Langenberg
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Germany
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Jim87 is on a distinguished road
I've a probelm of modelling fluid and solid phases in an combined Fluent / injection molding (Moldflow f.e.) simulation.

I'm using Fluent for modelling the physics and fluid dynamics that are too special for basic injection molding softwares. My problem is that the injection molding software is able to compute frozen skin layers and I don't have a smart idea how to import this in Fluent. [the solving per melting/solidification method is clear].

Here my stepps:

1. Meshing with Fluent
2. Import in Moldflow and simulation in Moldflow [the simulation leads to frozen regions, that behave like solids in Fluent]
3. 2. Mapping the Mesh and Cell - Informations(Fluent to Moldflow)
4. Simulation in Fluent

Point 1 till 3. are working very well with the patch /interpolate file option of Fluent. The problem is that I have no adequate idea how to inform Fluent that a few cells (maybe via a temperature barrier are now frozen).

My ideas and tests:

A. Defining a special viscosity modell. From a barrier Temperature (Melting Temperature) the viscosity increases by factor 10E4 and more.

-> This doesn't work fine: A required increasement of viscosity above a few cells leads to high residuals ore divergation.

B. Using the Melting/Sodification Modell. But every cell with a less temperature than x is atomatically solidificated before the first iteration.

-> I don't know if this is possible, maybe with patching and special CC an BC.

C. Informing Fluent that cells with a less temperature than x are becomming solids and aren't fluids anymore.

-> In my eyes a very sturdy way (if it is possible). Maybe an UDF is able to do this step.
Or I could try to rewrite the Dat.file, replacing cells with the temperature x as solids [first have to find out the file structure]

Maybe someone can give me an advice?
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Old   August 6, 2023, 17:06
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Join Date: Aug 2023
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DonFardin is on a distinguished road
Hi Jim,

Probably you've found the answer for your question
because this post for ten years ago,
But now I'm not even able to do the two steps of four
which you've mentioned above!
I have created a mesh out of my CAD geometry in Ansys Fluent and
I want to export it the format that Moldflow insight can import it,
May you help me on this?

the problem is that the format that Moldflow accepts from Ansys is
"Ansys prep7 (.ans) " and I can't figure out how to export such an
extension out of Fluent or Ansys meshing system!
My goal it to import the tetrahedral mesh that I've created in Fluent inside Moldflow
to do some analyses,

I appreciate any point on this.

Best wishes,
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