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mjkey May 24, 2014 02:49

CFD Modelling for Vehicle Cabin Interior
Hey guys,

I'm currently doing my thesis on the CFD analysis of driver thermal comfort in a car. I'm at the first stage just trying to model the interior and get some basic simulations going.

Does anyone have suggestions to what models I should be using? I've been using k-eps (std,rng,real) and have not been able to get stability and convergence in the residuals. Tried to tweak the relax and courant number aswell, but not much luck. Has anyone had any experience in modelling recirculating flow?

In addition, I've also been trying to run FLUENT on a cluster. Does anyone know how to set up running on parallel on the cluster?

This is my current file:

#PBS -N michael_1
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=4 (not sure about this, 2 comps with 4 proc each?)
#PBS -l mem=32GB (duno about this either ....)
#PBS -M email

module load fluent/14.5

fluent 3d -g -t8 -ssh < casefile_working > output_current (t8 for 8 processors?)

exit 0

I've been setting up everything into FLUENT up until the initialize stage, so all i have in my script is "read case", "initialize", "solve iterations", "write data", "exit".

One question I have is that do I have to click 8 processors when i open up fluent GUI in order to be able to have my file run 8 processors on the cluster?

Thanks guys, hope someone can help me!


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