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aalansari August 6, 2014 16:16

Defining the effluent flow rate or velocity

I'm trying to determine the exist age of a tracer both experimentally and using CFD in a basin. Our basin has multiple inlets and outlets. Each outlet has it's own pump which allows us to control the rate at which the fluid exists the basin at that specific outlet. Ultimately we are trying to optimize the system by determining the best inlet/outlet configuration, rates, etc. that would minimize dead zones, improve mixing efficiency etc.

My question is, is there a way I can define the rate or velocity at different outlets from my basin? I know I can change the diameter of the outlet and try and match the velocity, but I have a feeling that it can change the hydraulics in the overall basin.

As an example, I would like to have the outlets at the northern face of the basin to have a flow rate 50% less the southern face outlets...

I would appreciate any suggestions!

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