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satya9889 August 11, 2015 02:20

time variable in xy plot.
i want to plot temperature vs time plot in fluent 15. but not getting time as variable. How to get that?

fresty August 11, 2015 04:52

If you're trying to do this in CFD post, you could simply generate a transient-sequence chart with temperature/ CEL of temperature.. that would have time as an independent variable..

satya9889 August 12, 2015 04:08

Yes i am using cfd post. I m a beginner at this. Could u please describe more on how to generate transient chart?

fresty October 9, 2015 17:14

Insert > Location in user locations & plots (the point where you would like to see the temperature variation).. then insert > chart > XY-transient or sequence and set location in data series tab as the created point.. there you could get both time as independent axis and temperature at that selected point as dependent axis...

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