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Antony92from December 2, 2015 09:09

Export 3d solid model from mesh (.cas or .msh file)
Hello everyone,

unfortunately I lost the cad geometry for the part I had drawn, so right now I have just the .cas file, which includes the mesh for the geometry. I managed to export a .msh file by going in "File->Write->Boundary Mesh", but I can't open it or convert this either of these files (cas and msh) into a 3d model/solid geometry.

I need it because I want to modify it, and drawing it again in cad would take sad I lost the original file :(

Any help on the issue is highly appreciated :)

Thank you in advance!

KeganLeckness December 2, 2015 10:59


You may try looking at ICEM CFD. It's not the easiest program to understand right away, but it does have mesh-to-geometry capabilities.


brunoc December 2, 2015 14:05

Check Finite Element Modeler inside Workbench. It does exactly that. But your resolution will be limited by the resolution of your mesh.

ICEM will also do the trick, but exporting the resulting geometry from ICEM might be harder.

Antony92from December 2, 2015 14:48

Thank you very much for your help. Unfortunately the geometry appears to be too complicate for the finite element modeler in Ansys, errors of many "problematic faces" are given and a good solid model can't be exported.

As for ICEM CFD, I succeeded to get a stl file as output, but once I import it in SW, it is read just as a "stl graphics" and not as a proper 3d model. I looked up on the web and I found out that the stl solid import feature is limited, so since there are too many faces I can't get that feature to work...then I tried to convert the stl into a dxg via MeshLab, but when I import that into SW, a message saying that "the file has large number of 3d faces" pops up, but I click to continue the import process despite that, so eventually the SW crashes after some time...

I don't think there is much more to do :(

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