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ozgulo January 5, 2016 10:02

Fluent profile reading for another solution
Hello all,
I need help with a problem. I have an aircraft simulation series. The main geometry is the same: same fuselage same wing with little differences, i.e. aileron angle, flap etc.

The fuselage is very detailed and the mesh size is quite big as is. I want to use the results from a full size analysis and solve the other ones with smaller mesh, without using fuselage and farfield.

I have written a profile for the cross-section I want from the full-size analysis result and read it into the new mesh boundary. However, what boundary type should I use for this? If I use pressure inlet, I can specify pressure and temperature but velocity directions are off. Velocity-inlet does not work at all (absurd pressure values).

Is this doable? How can I do it?

Btw, it is compressible flow, k-w SST 0.2 Mach.

LuckyTran January 6, 2016 15:44

If you want to specify as many parameters as possible then you should be using velocity inlet and specifying, x,y,z velocity, temperature, and turbulence.

jpina January 7, 2016 04:35


I'm facing someway the same problem and I have the following problem:

Maybe it inspires you... I'm using velocity inlet and a UDF which interpolates values from the macro simulation for setting the velocity in the coordinates x and y.


ozgulo January 22, 2016 07:26

Thanks for the replies guys. Sorry, urgent jobs came in the way and i couldn't reply quickly.
I will try and play around a bit with velocity inlet but will it be numerically correct? I mean my flow is compressible and fluent says velocity inlet is not very good for comp. flows.

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