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UWBCFD February 26, 2016 02:14

Setting Initial Temperatures of Cell Zones, Help Needed

I have been trying to set different initial temperature for two adjacent fluid cell zones to conduct a transient density driven analysis of their mixing. My first basic approach is to consider creating a register for each cell zone and then patch the temperature. As Fluent is rather new to me, how do I ensure that I capture all of the cells from each cell zone?

Maybe a more simpler question: how can I move a vertex of my geometry to the origin so that I can appropriately set/mark the region bounds?


UWBCFD March 3, 2016 01:25

Figured out how to patch the cell zones.
In my case I was conducting a density driven transient study. I wanted to observe the natural convection at interface of two different temperature fluids interacting with one another.

To set initial conditions of the cell zones:

1) Make sure each cell zone is clearly defined
2) Initialize the hybrid case
3) Select the desired cell, click and set desired initial temperature
4) Repeat process for additional cell
5) Unfortunately, ANSYS Fluent does not clearly state what the patched temperature of each zone is so it can be confusing at times but trust that each zone's temperature is set.

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