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weirdsda September 23, 2016 11:44

help needed for accessing previous step values
Hi all:
I have been frustrated for a long time to try to make a UDF with a previous step variable.
I would like to access the previous step value of C_STRAIN_RATE_MAG(c,tc), for the current calculation. I tried UDMI and UDSI_M1 but I could not get it right.

I would really appreciate if anyone knows how to do it?:confused:

kar1209 April 6, 2017 14:42

I am facing problem with previous time step macros
I want to provide convective boundary condition at my domain outlet and I am trying to do that by relating the current time step U velocity for the cells in the cell thread on the outlet face with the U velocity of the cells from the previous time step. I tried using the F_U_M1 macro. But I am getting "segmentation error". Can anybody help me?

sbaffini April 7, 2017 04:22

Pretty sure that M1 and M2 variables only exist for cell values, not face ones. You need to save current face variables in a F_UDMI and access at the next time step before updating them. There is a post hanging around about this very specific task (using UDMI to store variables from previous time steps).

kar1209 April 7, 2017 08:17

Accessing previous time step values
Thank you so much. I was able to find the thread regarding using UDMs for accessing variable values at previous time steps.

I have one more doubt. I see that in all programs, F_UDMI is used inside the begin_f_loop(). In that case can a UDM location store multiple values corresponding to multiple faces in a face thread?

sbaffini April 7, 2017 08:46

Yes, note that this:


is the way F_UDMI is accessed, where f is the local face index, t is the face thread and i is the (i-1)-th F_UDMI variable (i starts at 0).

kar1209 April 7, 2017 08:58


Originally Posted by kar1209 (Post 644031)
Thank you so much. I was able to find the thread regarding using UDMs for accessing variable values at previous time steps.

I have one more doubt. I see that in all programs, F_UDMI is used inside the begin_f_loop(). In that case can a UDM location store multiple values corresponding to multiple faces in a face thread?

What I meant to say is that if I want to calculate the value at current time step using value at previous time step and then assign it to the faces using F_PROFILE(), can I use 2 different looping macros - one for calculating the next time step value in the current time step and another looping macro for assigning the values in the next time step?

for example:

/*for specifying u velocity*/

F_PROFILE(f,t,i) = F_UDMI(1); /*values to be assigned to boundary face in the next time step*/
F_UDMI(1) = (.....) + F_U(f,t); /*calculation in the current time step*/

The above code is valid only if UDM can store multiple values. Otherwise how do I go around this? Please help.

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