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MechEng86 October 27, 2016 15:47

Calculating Oscillating Aerofoil Angle of Attack

I’m currently analysing a two bladed 2D vertical axis wind turbine in Fluent, where the blades also oscillate about their quarter chord position with changes in rotor position. The model is working correctly, and I’m writing the lift and drag coefficients in the X (streamwise) and Y directions with every time step for each blade to a .dat file, which enables me to calculate the normal and tangential coefficients.

I would like to be able to calculate the effective angle of attack, but using the current coefficients I can’t establish a method of doing this, due to the angle of attack continually changing. I was wondering if there was a way of obtaining the lift and drag coefficient so that they are calculated orthogonal and parallel to the relative velocity for each time step, so that the effective angle of attack can be calculated? I’ve checked the documentation but can only find writing the X and Y directions like I’m using at the moment.

Any advice/help would be much appreciated

Kind regards


usr0830 August 20, 2019 08:19

Same question
I am facing the same issue. Have you found a solution for this?

Thank you.

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