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podollski92 September 20, 2017 05:22

Sliding Mesh: Changing Interface
Hi Guys,

I am new to the forum, even if I used it many times to find solutions for my problems. But now I have a problem where I couldn't find any solution.

I attached some screenshots with my post to make my problem better to understand:

The green zone is a static incompressible fluid ring. The grey zone rotates. The two zones are connected by a static orifice, so there is an interface with relative velocity (marked by the black box).

My problem is, that I have no idea how to model that contact. I am used to Frame Motion, Mesh Motion and Sliding Interfaces, but all I did till today were problems, where the interfaces are always in contact to each other. Here, the interface of the orifice is not always in contact with the same area of the interface of the rotational zone.

An idea that I have is to "cut" the rotational zone in an inner and outer rotational zone, where the outer zone includes the static areas, too. Then, using frame motion, put zero rotation to the outer parts and frame motion to the inner part.

What do you think...? Any other ideas?

Thanks a lot already in advance!

podollski92 September 20, 2017 05:25

Sorry, my upload didn't work...My sytem just consists of two fluid rins, connected by a radial orifice...that's it :rolleyes:

podollski92 September 20, 2017 05:28

1 Attachment(s)
I think now the upload should have worked

podollski92 September 22, 2017 03:30

No idea or suggestions...?:confused:

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