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saoYT November 28, 2017 07:45

Problems with layering at moving boundaries
2 Attachment(s)

I'm working on a case similar to a cilindrical dam opening gradually with constant velocity and 2D geometry.

The mesh and boundary conditions are displayed at figure 01.

At first, I attached a CG_MOTION UDF for the boundary condition "moving wall" and "pressure outlet" at the top; that way, the walls of the dam would follow the movement of both boundary conditions (moving wall and pressure outlet) and it would open.

The UDF used:

#include "udf.h"
#include "dynamesh_tools.h"

//static real max_disp = 0.004;
//static real velocity = 0.1;
DEFINE_CG_MOTION(movingWall,dt,vel,omega,time,dtim e)
static real x0 = 0.001; // meters
static real velocity = 0.1;
real x;

if (!Data_Valid_P())
//vel[0] = -velocity*pow(-1, (int)floor(time / (max_disp / velocity)));

if (time == dtime)
x = x0 + velocity*dtime;
x = x + velocity*dtime;

Message ("Info: updating position x = %f, and velocity v = %f.\n", x, velocity);
//vel[0] = velocity;
vel[0] = 0.1;

Since i'm using a rectangular mesh, i choose the layering technique for the dynamic mesh. But i'm experiencing some problems as it follows at figure 2. The mesh isn't relayering and i got a negative volume error.

Could somebody help with this problem? If i wasn't clear at my questions, please ask me.

Thanks in advance!

Yuri Taglieri

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