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planoturk December 19, 2017 14:30

2d Airfoil Analysis [Mesh]
4 Attachment(s)
Hi friends,

First of all, I want to say that I am very new on ANSYS Fluent.
I am trying to perform an 2d airfoil analysis of Wortmann FX61-168 airfoil but having a trouble at mesh stage.

The result of generated mesh is not what I specified at sizings.

At the attachment, not only you can find detailed pictures of my application but also you can find the airfoil coordinates I used.

(I imported coordinates file as points, after that I draw lines between points and generated surface)

Do you have any idea about my problem?

Thank you in advance for your interest,

planoturk December 21, 2017 03:34

Isn't there anyone to help me about my problem?

Kirill-MIPT December 21, 2017 04:46

Hello! Stock ansys mesher is often unobvious in variety of features. You may try pointwise - in my opinion, it is much better for creating structured meshes

DEd December 22, 2017 14:34

hard sizing
Is this Ansys meshing? Try implementing a hard sizing (edge sizing forced).

I would also split up the geometry around the airfoil so I had a tighter fit against the airfoil forcing the algoritm to mesh tighter around the airfoil.

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