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swtbkim January 15, 2018 06:26

Can not access to the user variable of particle (DPM)
I am working with DPM, and some scalar values would be updated along the particle track. That is, "DEFINE_DPM_SCALAR_UPDATE" will be used.
After facing some trouble, now I am trying to test this simple code below.

DEFINE_DPM_SCALAR_UPDATE(name_test, c, t, initialize, tp)
if (initialize)
This is all of my udf; just initializing the user variable as zero.

In Results > Graphics > Particle Tracks, I can draw the particle track colored by "Particle Residence Time" like so far.
However, when I try to draw the particle track colored by "User Value 0", then it shows an error;

Error: CAR: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair]
Error Object: ()

I tried using P_USER_REAL(tp, 0), TP_USER_REAL(tp, 0), PP_USER_REAL(tp,0), instead of p->user[0], but they gave the same error.
I did not forget to specify the number of dpm scalar in DPM panel in Fluent.

I am using ANSYS Fluent r18.0
I am not sure but I guess this was not a problem when I used version r16.x, but I cannot test it now.

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you in advance.

swtbkim January 15, 2018 19:30

I could test the udf with ANSYS Fluent r17.2
It works well and I can draw particle track colored by "User Value"
With the same *.cas file and udf code, why does it cause a problem in r18.0?

Any idea??
Thank you.

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